Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Summer's Going

 Some are glad, some are sad.

I always have mixed feelings about the last day of summer. I love summer. But by late September summer looks tired. It's too early to start pulling out everything, so we try to enjoy the slightly bedraggled look of the garden and touch up here and there. And we look for those special things that only late summer, early fall bring. 

It's smokey today, not a "special" thing, but certainly a late summer thing here in the PNW, as wild fires continue to burn. We have had no significant rain since sometime in July and that wasn't much.

In our gardens sedums are the stars. 

And hardy fuchsias.
Nasturtiums pop up here and there from last summer's seed. 
Shrub roses are putting on a late flush of color.
Tom's fall blooming hardy cyclamen are popping up here and there too. He keeps spreading the little corms that proliferate and then surprise us with yet another spot of color. 

In his greenhouse the geranium cuttings are looking good.

So are his seedlings of winter pansies and columbine. 
The grass is slowly greening up. A tenth of an inch of rain a few days ago helped. The watering system is still being used. Sunny days mean the heat is still mostly off. Eventually the water bill and the heat bill will trade places.

And the moles are back. 

Tomorrow, Sept. 22, is the Autumnal Equinox. Good bye to summer. 


  1. Really pretty flowers! My son had to spread grub worm remover on his lawn and a few feet beyond to get rid of moles. Linda in Kansas

  2. You've still got lots of blooms and color. Wow, that's a lot of seedlings for next year!

  3. Pretty Sedum and Tom's cuttings are looking good. Oh no on the dastardly moles...maybe Charlie will get them:)

  4. Hope you get more rain but glad you got some. Love all the color you still manage. Yep, my moles are back too. You would think my perfectly good Terrier would dig them up but she is too busy chasing bunnies.

  5. The fall flowers are lovely, and the batch of seedlings are amazing. The amount of work the two of you put into the yard creates such a wonderful landscape. Dratted moles, I remember trapping them when I was child on the farm. I'm not sure I could do it now.

  6. Your garden is showing its last colour of the season. I must look for those purple flowering sedum. Very pretty.

  7. Cyclamens are also in my garden. I am also afraid of the water bill we had to water the plants but it did not made much difference a lot died. I also have sedums and moles!

  8. Ouch with the moles. However, your seedlings look fabulous and you still have so many beautiful flowers. I love cyclamen.

  9. Your flowers are always so beautiful! I was inspired by the geranium starts to start a few myself.


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