Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st Gardening.

It's March. The winter hiatus from gardening is over, although I'm not sure we took a hiatus this year. Tom especially has spent many hours out in the winter garden.
Today I pruned the roses and mowed the lawn. Tom worked on clipping the sword ferns and shredding them to put back as mulch.
We both got rained on, and then we got rained out (or in, actually).
But that's OK. We were tired anyway.


  1. You do have a lovely yard! I know you must enjoy it so much, even if it is a lot of work! Have a great week!

  2. love that bright green color-mowing your lawn work!

  3. You have got such a huge and beautiful yard. I'd be embarassed to show you ours. The former owners put concrete on the lawn so they wouldn't have to mow it. Sigh. It's too expensive to take it out although we had the contractor cut out a strip so we could at least have a small herb garden. I just love looking at your garden.

  4. You mowed! Wow, the lawn is green too! We have a white lawn right now. Come take a look. Happy school testing. Joann

  5. Mowed...Wow...I won't be doing that until June I think...Lovely yard...

  6. Your garden looks tidy already. - Dave

  7. you do have a beautiful yard!

    we got snow and then more snow - oy!

  8. There's always something so hopeful about that first burst of spring sprucing outside. :)

  9. You and Tom make a great team.


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