Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today IS Earth Day

Back in Colorado Isaac and Irene set off to school in the sunshine, wearing their Earth Day tee shirts and bearing gifts for their teachers. The reusable shopping bags contain a fern, a lady bug painted rock paper weight they made, and gummy worms. That Jill! She's done it again. What a mom! And it doesn't hurt that she's also a teacher.
Back here in Seattle we woke up to rain and much colder temps after days of warm sun. Today the earth is refreshing itself. But down close to the earth, things are happening. The sweet peas are up! We've had to put out slug bait to deter the slimy chompers. Radishes are up and the slugs were busy here before we removed the protective plastic.
The beets under the cloche are looking good. There are also some strange little flowers to enjoy if you get on your knees to find them. These are the mice from the Mouse Plant. The shiny green foliage usually hides them. Native wild ginger has exotic little flowers too. They too like to hide in foliage close to the earth.
Overhead, rain is dripping off the cherry blossoms...
...and the blossoms of the Full Moon Maple.
This is a lean time of year for squirrels, so they eat what they can find, including the blossoms on the trees.
I love the Earth, and have never needed an Earth Day to celebrate it. My travels are motivated by my desire to see as much of the natural beauty of this big blue marble of a planet as I can manage.
But this day is a reminder that we, it's inhabitants, are it's greatest threat, and we must become better manages of our wonderful resources.


  1. Oh my heavens, Linda! What a garden you've got! Your flowers are so much fun. I love the little mice plant.

    That photo of your grandchildren is adorable! I can just imagine the delight of their teachers when they receive those amazing gifts! What thoughtful parents your grandchildren have!

  2. lovely earth day celebrations...we are in no. idaho and its warm but going to snow tonight. the weather is always a surprise from mother nature.

  3. Linda, what a nice post. Perfect for earth day.

  4. What a fabulous idea to give the bags to their teachers! And what a thoughtful thing to do. Those two are just the most beautiful children I've seen in a long time.

  5. Really great post for Earth Day and you say it all so well! Lovely to see the kids taking part as well. Your photos are delightful! I, too, love the earth and have enjoyed being able to see so much of it. I do hope we can, indeed, become better managers of all our wonderful resources!

  6. Perfect post for Earth Day Linda..Thanks for taking the quiz on my post..

  7. Happy Earth Day to you too! It's always nice to see things coming out of the ground again. I love the kids in their special shirts!

  8. Great Anyday post! I was watching Oprah yesterday, and it was unbelievable what has become of our oceans. Very, very sad. We really have to get people aware of how much we are damaging the planet. It's a scary thing.


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