Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seasonal Chores

These late summer days make me lazy. Now that I don't have to gear up to go back to school, lethargy sets deep into my bones, and it takes a lot of effort to get moving.
But there are always jobs to be done, and this is the time of the year for some annual tasks.
With the season winding down, and the summer visitors gone, it's time to steam clean the carpets while the weather is still warm enough to have the house open to dry them out. So Tuesday I helped move some of the furniture and Tom was hard at it in the family room and other traffic areas throughout the house.
It occurred to me that with my bad back, and my hand still healing, I wasn't much help anymore. What do we do when we both can't manage? I guess we'd better be saving up for when we have to hire these jobs done for us.
This is kind of a slow time for gardening. The garden is tired, and so are we. There are still a few beans, cucumbers and zucchini to pick, as well as tomatoes. And there are still lots of flowers for picking for the house.
The best way to make a neglected garden look good is to edge the lawn. With the rain we had recently the lawn is growing again and the edges needed attention. Tom scissored and I came along behind on hands and knees picking up grass and weeding. That was this morning. Now I'm stiff and sore!
September 11th observations remind us that it is time to renew our emergency kit. And it was timely that as we were working on the lawn this morning, I had the radio on and we heard the emergency system test for earthquake and tsunamis. So after we finished that task, we took stock.
We keep our emergency kit in the shed.
It contains sleeping bags, water, some canned food, first aid supplies, things suggested on a list we got from the Internet.
After taking stock, we made a list of things needing replacing and went shopping. We added this nifty hand crank generated radio/light/cell phone charger. Now we just have to figure out how to work it! With those jobs crossed off the list, I think it's time for another trekking day. I'll have to think of where I want to go.


  1. You certainly accomplished a lot today! Your emergency kit is impressive. You deserve a break, and I'm hoping we get to see the photos.

  2. you don't sound lazy at all. an emergency kit is a wonderful thing for every to have available just in case.

  3. You guys are really being busy. I am tired just reading all this. LOL You gardens look so lush even though we haven't had much rain. Emergency supplies is a good idea. Nice post./ MB

  4. I loved this post. I can identify with the lethargy. I'm glad to know someone else suffers from it. Perhaps it is the time of year. I simply don't want to do anything but play on the computer. I need a jump start.

    You are wise people with your emergency supplies. My son and his wife do that but we haven't. We don't have a place to store it. If you start packing in guns and a life time supply of dried food I'm going to be worried about you.

    I'm always amazed at the energy the two of you have.

  5. I'm always a little sad when school starts without me, but I had my first sub job on Monday. it was nice to see the staff and kids.

  6. We love crossing off those things from our lists don't we?
    I'm feeling a little guilty for not having my emergency kit...I'll be going now:))

  7. You guys are the most amazing gardeners and the most prepared citizens I've ever seen. You are both my role models.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I too feel a "slump" in my energy level this time of year. I think getting out daily and hiking is a big help. I am so impressed by your emergency kit. I guess I had better get going on one myself.

  9. Oh, my! What a beautiful garden! And, those veggies look delicious. I love the look of your garden shed...wish I had one.

  10. I need to put together an emergency kit as the power goes out all too often here...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I need to do this.
    I have bags and all that camping gear, but should stock some food and water. Everyone should to offset panic.


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