Sunday, April 12, 2015

Friday Field Trip: Windmill Garden

Windmill Garden is in Sumner, WA,  a town where antique shops line the old main street.  Follow that street out of town, and you arrive at this well known and established nursery. 

 The official greeter
 It's Dogwood time.  These pinks are so lovely.

 It isn't rose time.  This must have just come out of a hothouse. 

 There are piles and piles of pots. 

 Lilacs are in bloom.

 Wall flowers are blooming too.

 These delphiniums are rushing the season, though. 

 We love the echiverias and aeoniums and aloe.  They do have to stay in the green house a bit longer before they can happily play outside here. 

 These tin containers would be fun to plant up. 

 A cool concrete fountain
 "Lemon tree, very pretty, and the flower smells so sweet,..."


 In the gift shop: how would you like to receive one of these lovely plant arrangements?

 Outside, the display garden isn't as lavish as in past years, but it's still pretty.

 Yes, there is a windmill!

And next door to the windmill, there is a bistro, where we enjoyed a late lunch before heading back home.  It was a fun field trip. 


  1. I was just there on Friday too! I love the bistro, they do a good Caprese sandwich. You got a great shot of the tulips with the windmill in the background. I love their little water feature grotto with all its huge overgrown tropical plants. Wall flowers seem to be very popular this year, I wonder why. I don't remember seeing so many colorful, scented varieties in past years.

  2. Beautiful! Now you've inspired me to get out in the garden, since the rain has stopped. It's cold but should be just fine with the proper clothing. :-)

  3. Ooh Ooh, Now I have to get my hands dirty. What amazing displays. The West Coast really knows how to garden.
    I do love your header.

  4. Another great tour. I am starting to get that itch to be be digging in some dirt...Which means I will have to head back to VT because digging in sand is not quite the same.

  5. You took us on an amazing tour. It's amazing how big a variety of flowers and pots are for sale.

  6. Beautiful! That was the name of our Greenhouse Business too...Windmill Gardens and yes we had a few Windmills too. I miss the people but not being attached to a water hose for 12 hours a day or worring about freezing temperatures in the early spring. Thanks for the tour, I enjoyed it:)

  7. Someone is having trouble posting a comment, so I am testing the system. Thanks for all your comments, everyone.

  8. I love that garden center! What a beautiful assortment and display of plants. I'd have a hard time deciding what to bring home.

  9. I was just there last week but didn't stroll through the garden. Such an exciting time in all of the nurseries, isn't it?

  10. You have the most incredible gardens and nurseries in your area, Linda.


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