Monday, October 29, 2018

Color Update

Our Japanese maples are coloring up fast now. Here we are today, during a sun break between showers. 

 In the front yard, the Full Moon Maple is getting its glow on, accompanied by the Korean Dogwood and the gold of the Witch Hazel,  not to be mistaken for the witch named Hazel. :-) Is she lurking?
 On the other side of the full Moon Maple, a devilish Diablo Nine bark goes purple and a Viburnum burkwoodii is going for gold. 

 Those pumpkins will be carved this evening. 
 In the back yard, the two name-unknown maples have turned red almost overnight. 

 Giant mushrooms have emerged from the lawn and the patio. 

Everything is wet and drippy and a bit gooey. Have we been slimed?

Halloween is nigh. 


  1. Lots of pretty red leaves in your yard.
    We seem to have quite a few mushrooms cropping up too.

  2. Your fall colors are brilliant. Lots of reds.

  3. I don't know how you remember the names of all the beautiful flowers and plants and trees in your yard. Oh, I always look forward to pumpkin carving night at your house.

  4. Tomorrow is Halloween. It certainly snuck right on up. I think we have all been slimed, but your colors are fabulous. :-)

  5. it's that time of fun to have so much color in your yard. we do have a redbud tree whose leaves suddenly turned yellow-gold now brown and are starting to fall off. Our ash trees turn dark then fall red leaves but lots of yellows!

  6. We've had some interesting mushrooms this year, too. We're having a short, I hear, respite from the wet weather. I'll go out today to take some photos while the sun is still shining.
    Those reds are magnificent.

  7. Your colors are just lovely. Can't wait to see the carved pumpkins. You all are so creative.

  8. Wow. I must rush out and get a photo of my sugar maple which is beginning to drop its red leaves.

  9. Those are interesting mushrooms. Slimy indeed.


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