Monday, October 30, 2023

2023 Norquist Family Cider Bee

 The tradition began on our little farm in the Willamette Valley way back when these two were kids. Our dad collected apples from neighbors and we used our grandfather's old cider mill. 

Laurie and Linda
Now we are the matriarchs. Our children and grandchildren provide the crew.

The apples from east of the mountains

The grinders

The cutters

The Juicers

The head honcho

Ben: It's his house.

The talkers and watchers

The youngest, enjoying an apple

Pepper the Dog's Friends
I did actually get up and move around. Pepper and I played fetch too. 

We had all of those apples squeezed by 12:30. Then we took a group photo. 

Quite a crew, I think our biggest ever. We were so happy to have so many, in three generations, from our sister Ilene's family. We miss her. 

And then we ate!

And then those of us who are trustees for our Rockaway cabin had a meeting. Our brother Hank joined us via computer from Georgia, as well as a niece from Spokane.

Some of our college kids were absent, but excused, of course.
And I guess we'll excuse these two,

They were at the Seahawks game. We won!

It was another wonderful day of family fun and the continuance of a beloved tradition. 

Photos by Katie, Tom, and Linda


  1. That's so wonderful! Hope there weren't any bees hovering around. A rural Kansas priest used to do this on a smaller scale. That apple made so excellent strong cider after a couple of weeks. Linda in Kansas

  2. I know how much I pay for apples in Hawaii, so it always blows my mind to see all those apples being squeezed for juice. What an awesome family tradition. I'm so envious! It all brings to mind when we used to go apple picking at Wauconda Orchards every year and bring home a couple large bags full of fresh picked apples. Sigh....

  3. Wow, that's a pile of apples all right! It sounds like a fun day was had with many of the family members. It's a lovely tradition.

  4. What a great crew. It's enough fun that each new generation participates.

  5. What fun! I look forward to seeing this event every year. And that cider must be fantastic!

  6. What a great tradition! We did cider one year when I was about 12. We lived in Fall City at a rental house that had an old cider press in the garage that we cleaned up and used. It was huge - with an electric motor. We juiced every apple from the trees there and drank cider until it became hard cider and my Dad took over all consumption of same. :)

  7. Such a wonderful family tradition. I've never had fresh squeezed apple juice. It must be delicious!

  8. What fun!!! Enjoyed the happy pics. And Isaac has a mustache now???

  9. We should have our apple festivals but because of the hurricane coming we must stay home. Nice family group!

  10. It looks like a chilly day! What a group effort!


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