Thursday, November 30, 2023

Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

 Or at least the Santa collection has arrived on the shelves at the Reeder homestead. 

As Tom says, I could just show the same photos I took last year, or the year before that, but that would be cheating. I need to prove that we really did make the effort again this year.

The hand made wooden Santas from a friend are in their same place on the mantle. That friend is gone now, but memories linger. 

I have fun unwrapping and handling each one. There are many memories.

These guys are very special: from Whidbey Island, from upstate New York, from a woodcarver's shop in Rothenburg in  Germany, and the Yule Tomte for my Scandinavian heritage. It looks like the hand carved Santa with toys needs a new bundle of sticks. Maybe nobody has been bad this year?

Collected over many years from many different places.

Today we put up the travel tree. Now there is only the big tree to do. With all of the ornaments we have accumulated, that is a big job. We might have to take some time out to play first. 


  1. I didn't realize you had so many wood carvings. You could open up a shop or museum.

  2. That is a delightful collection. I can't find my Santa Claus box! Can't imagine that I took it to Habitat before we moved but I did take a bunch of decorative things but I did want to keep the Santas. They could be hidden amongst tool boxes in the garage and I might find them in the spring.

  3. I like the Santa in a blue jacket holding the baby fawn. Beautiful collection! Linda in Kansas

  4. Lovely collection! Have you ever written down the stories behind each of the items?

  5. What a wonderful collection, Linda. And I know what you mean about the handling and memories that they bring...
    It makes it take a bit longer to put it all out or up... but well worth it. Enjoy! And thanks for sharing.

  6. Great job! We nearly have the same cook Santa I brought it from New York . I have the same little wind mill my son brought it for me from Germany’ Xmas markets. I must get it out of it’s box. I love all your collection and I am waiting to see your travel tree!

  7. What an impressive display. You do Christmas better than most.

  8. What a collection! Each and every one of them is special. You have all the Christmas stores beat.

  9. I found the same doll on the net and it is a Sarah Kay doll. We have bought a cabbage doll for my daughter in the 80’s and I still have got it. I always wanted a Sarah Kay one I find it very pretty with her straw hat. I bought my Xmas tree a real one and will decorate it this week. My son received their parcels for Xmas 🎄
    Happy new week and good decoration !

  10. Always fun to see your Santa collection! :) Happy you hand the umph to put it up!


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