Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Time Doesn't Stand Still, So I Won't Either

 Sunday we went for a walk in the park again. There are signs of spring there too.

Red Flowering Current buds are swelling, getting ready to burst open.
Indian Plum is fully open. These are both native plants.
This little park is very close to our house and a great place to walk away from traffic.

Monday we both expended a lot of energy cleaning house and doing laundry. Then we were ready for  little vacation.

Today I am posting from the family cabin on Whidbey Island. After Tom hosted our Tuesday Zoom meet up, and I packed, we were on our way, stopping for Starbucks coffee and a ferry ride.

When we arrived at the cabin about 12:30 we were greeted by sunshine.
Blue in the sky and cool ducks on the lagoon. I spotted Green-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, and Northern Pintails.

This afternoon I went for a walk on the beach road, stopping at the beach to see the bay view. I got my mile again. Tom worked tidying up the cabin garden. Tomorrow we'll both spend a little time weeding in the garden, but not too much.

I am on vacation. We'll have dinner out tonight, I'll cook and work tomorrow, and then Thursday we'll play before heading home.

I had a message from my surgeon's office this afternoon. It looks like my knee surgery won't happen any time soon, maybe not even until after July. So...I'll keep on moving.  


  1. We have to keep moving. It's starting to be colorful there.

  2. Glad to hear you're back to being able to walk a mile consistently. Enjoy your vacation!

  3. The views in Whidby are incredible.
    I do hope your surgery will be pushed up for you, but in the meantime you're doing all you can to keep moving.

  4. I love your last picture it is beautiful view. You never stop weeding ! I hope you rest a little. Here to get a surgery done it’s about the same time even more sometimes. Enjoy your stay!

  5. I wish time would stand still - maybe even go backward.

  6. I think surgeries are back up all over...keep on keeping on!


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