Monday, July 1, 2024

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

 We spent the day Sunday touring some lovely and varied gardens on the Gig Harbor Garden Tour. SIL Jan Reeder is on the organizing committee and it seemed like a great way to spend a mildly sunny day and support her cause.

I didn't try to document the gardens. I just wanted to share some pretty pictures. There was plenty of pretty to share. 

I loved the use of sedums in the hillside garden.

Extensive rockeries and hardscapes allowed for full enjoyment of this view. 

So many wonderful uses of stone.

Tom blended right in to this blue and yellow garden.

Fun yard art.

Lovely shade garden, and by then we were happy for shade.
We saw all six gardens, liked them all, and then I was ready for a rest, and another one of those iced mocha frappes with caramel drizzle from Starbucks. :-)


  1. So much prettiness!!! I like the fountains. With all that walking you certainly deserved your Starbucks treat.

  2. These would be very pleasant places to live.

  3. Really pretty, but I'm not sure about that zebra print for a relaxing table and chairs. Hmmm. Linda in Kansas

  4. Wow, it is amazing what hard work and a green thumb can accomplish. At the moment, I'm merely trying to keep up with the weeds. The house was vacant for more than a year and they are winning.

  5. Lots of ideas here and wish I had more energy.


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