Sunday, July 7, 2024

It's Hot and We Are Fixin' To Slow Down

 The box fans are in the windows upstairs for sleeping. The air conditioning, which really only works downstairs, is set for 75. We're heading for 93 today and tomorrow, just a bit higher than yesterday.

I'm not really whining, many have it so much worse, but we aren't used to this kind of heat very frequently and we wilt. 

I went to a hot soccer match at the stadium last night. This is the third one I've been to now in a few weeks and we have won all three. Things are looking up for the Sounders. I'm not looking to be a good luck charm though, because going to the matches is hard work for me, and even though we do not sit in the sun and the light rail and the stadium club are air conditioned, it is still hot in the seats and in the coming and going. It was beautiful at nearly 10:00 though as we were waiting for the elevator to take us down and out of the stadium. Elevators and handicap parking help. 

We slept in this morning but then I remembered that I wanted to get the roses and the day lilies deadheaded before the sun got to that part of the garden. After learning about the Hemerocallis Gall Midge I checked my daylily blooms and I do have some infested buds. They have to be picked off and destroyed. Others seem OK.

So my little bit of gardening got done before a late breakfast. Now Tom is out in the heat of mid day working on a watering problem. Uffduh.

Our resident hummingbirds are happy that the Crocosmia Lucifer are blooming. 
Moving around in the garden you can be sure that I sought shade. 
DJan posted about seeking serenity so I checked out the deck, where Buddha resides.
Patience - with yourself and others. Truth - please, in all things. Breathe easily, just because. 

Peace be with you. May serenity be yours.


  1. With hot weather we bounce from one job in the shade to the next job in the shade. We're definitely not used to hot weather.

  2. I woke at 4:30 this morning and took a cool shower to get rid of the night's sweaty sleep. And now I feel pretty good, dear friend. May serenity be yours as well.

  3. Your garden is beautiful! You could try aiming a fan from downstairs, up the stairs to upstairs, and then aiming your window fans upstairs to blow OUT the hot air from your second level. Don't trip on any fan sitting at the bottom of the stairs; maybe set it on a little table? Linda in Kansas

  4. Your gardens are so lovely, and the colors are so pretty. I think I could sit out in the deck area for hours - it looks so inviting!

  5. I'm not sure whether I already commented on this post or not. I'll blame my forgetfulness on the heat. In any case, I think your flowers are lovely. Hopefully not many of your Day Lilies were affected by the Gall Midge and that you destroyed them before the grubs developed.

  6. I heard that Vegas was 120° the other day. Can't imagine that. Did your wisteria bloom already and I missed it?

  7. We turned on our Central Air two days ago, mainly because of the humidity. But it will be getting warmer here this week, at least the warmest we have seen this summer. Your flowers look great!


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