Friday, July 5, 2024

Gus the Bus Lives On

When I looked back on my Facebook memories yesterday there was post after post, year after year, of Gus the Bus attracting cheers and peace signs in the Normandy Park 4th of July Parade. 

 Last year was Gus's swan song, as Jill and Jake, his current owners, put him up for sale.

Gus joined our family in 1979 when SIL Jan bought him as a two year old.He supplied her with many fun trips into the wilderness and often served as back up transportation too. When she finally outgrew him - when you get older you want something a bit more comfortable - she turned him over to my kids, her neice and nephew Jill and Jake. Over the next chapter of Gus's life he went on more camping trips into the wilderness. As he aged he became a bit more shaky and harder to get up and down the hills. Finally he became a pain to drive and many of his parts didn't work too well. 

But Gus is an icon of his era and Jill and Jake were sure that someone would want him. Eventually they found a buyer who offered then $3000. They took it and said goodbye to Gus. 

As this year's parade approached, there was both relief and remorse at not having the parade fun anymore, but on the morning of the 4th Jill got a text from a man in Nashville, Tenn. Gus was there!

The new owner sent photos. Gus was reborn!

There he was in St Louis, on the road to Nashville, looking pretty spiffy for an old guy.

All of us who knew and loved Gus and his people are celebrating. Sometimes old things just need new parts, and a good cleaning, and probably a bunch of cash. 


  1. Well, that was a big surprise. We get attached to some of these old vehicles.

  2. Gus is looking dandy! Lots of people like them and refurbish them for BIG bucks. We had a '68 Buster Blue Bus, with curtains and a bed platform in the back. Went 60 mph downhill, with the wind! Probably 20 years after we sold him, someone called me from leaving the repair records in it, and said it was lonely in a field, did I own it? Guess he fluffed it up, but we didn't get photos like you did. Totally cool! Linda in Kansas

  3. What a delightful surprise. And Gus looks great!

  4. Wow, it's wonderful that someone who had the knowledge, the ability, and likely the wherewithal to restore Gus. Hopefully he'll be on the road for good number of years!

  5. Gus looks great! How wonderful that he got such a great makeover!

  6. Amazing transformation for Gus!! Nice of that fellow to send you that news.

  7. Hurray for Gus! It must feel good to see an old friend in great shape.

  8. OH wow! That is really impressive. What fun to see an "old friend."


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