Sunday, August 11, 2024

Olympics Winding Down, Garden in August Mode

 I just took a walk around in some of my garden. It's August and spiders have been busy. I didn't venture down the garden path to the deck through spider webs. I encountered enough where I did go. Oh, I just found a web tickling my ear. :-)

On my small desk TV, the announcers are reviewing some of the USA highlights of the Olympics. They have been wonderful. I have loved the gymnastics and especially the track and field events and some of the team competitions. I got up early, for me, yesterday to watch the USA Women win their gold in the soccer final. I got up just in time this morning to watch the USA Women be awarded their gold in the basketball final. The track  women are so sleek and beautiful. The lean and determined distance runner women just finished their marathon. Soon the closing ceremonies will begin. 

Then I will attempt to get back to normalcy - more walking, since it is cooler, more gardening, more indoor cooking, and hopefully less eating. This evening we will get together with Jill and Jake to catch up on their adventures. 

We are sliding into the dog days of summer. Time passes quickly, but August is the time to slow down. 

The garden will require only clipping and trimming and removing spent flowers and plants that have had their time in the summer sun.  So far it looks pretty good out in the garden.

Late roses and lilies.
Yes, these are Casa Blancas, and the pink ones are Star Gazers. 

On the patio

Black Eyed Susan Vine. 

Out to the upper yard.

Yes, Red, you did see Hostas.

The not-so-successful vegetable/cutting garden.

Tom cutting out the old canes in the raspberries and tying up the new canes. 
Pinky Winky Hydrangeas

Oakleaf Hydrangeas
I braved the spider webs to check the Secret Garden.

The wider view-toward upper lawn.

Toward lower lawn.

And back to the patio.

And the fun wind chime the my sister Laurie gave me for my birthday in July, which was weeks ago now, but the good memories linger. 


  1. August winds down rapidly and then the serious job of clean up happens through Sept. You have tons of blooms at your place.

  2. Linda, your grounds are so beautiful...

  3. Such a beautiful place! Thank you for all the wonderful pictures that transport me into your garden.

  4. What a lovely space, the variety and number of plants is amazing! As is the amount of work that the two of you put into it.

  5. I watched the Opening Ceremony but none of the games. I did follow the Olympics in the news and am happy the US won 126 medals, topping the rest of the world. Go, USA!!!

  6. My favorite garden. Mahalo for the tour!

  7. You said it - nice and relaxed through August. Enjoy the summer.
    And yes, I enjoyed the Olympics too. What a wonderful celebration, I love watching all the different competitions... next time I'll watch sports at the Winter Olympics :-))) And the next Summer Games are with you in Los Angeles :-))
    Hug Viola

  8. I love the wind chime very nice. I love pinky winky but they don’t like my garden! Long ago I had a black eyed Susan an orange one.
    The US did very well at the O games I watched the closure ceremony too.

  9. Wow, you garden is picture perfect! I enjoyed the Olympics as well, such respect and camaraderie amongst the athletes-great to see.


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