Friday, August 2, 2024

Summer Doldrums.

Well, I just Googled "Doldrums", and I guess it's not quite that bad: "a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression".

I'm not depressed. I'm not quite stagnant. 

I'm trying to stay sort of active, like walking for a  mile early some mornings, working on my stationary bike some other mornings. But it's HOT!  87F now at 4:00 in the afternoon.

This is Friday and so we met for breakfast as usual. There were four of us this morning and we had good conversations. Since we all agree politically, we can move on to other things. There is always reminiscing. We're all old, after all.

Then Tom and I did our grocery shopping. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables went into the cart. Summer eating is different that winter eating. Fortunately Tom doesn't mind grilling in the heat and the house stays cooler. The air conditioner is getting a workout. 

Then I went out and picked some flowers to replace the tired bouquet on the kitchen table. 

Flowers wilt fast in this weather, just like me. 

Lunch was long and slow, perusing the newspaper and working some of the puzzles. 

I finished my second set of exercises in front of a fan, then there was time for blogging. 

Now it's time to climb into my recliner, work Wordle, and see what's happening on the Olympics. I have plenty of time before I have to prep dinner. 

Gotta' beat the doldrums. 


  1. If we're not careful we can find ourselves in the doldrums in a hurry.

  2. I don't do well in the heat either, but I'm finally recovered from last Thursday's efforts. Take it easy, friend!

  3. I try to stay out of the heat as much as possible, too. Thankfully, with the Olympics there has been lots to watch and enjoy.

  4. Great to eat fresh fruits and pick fresh flowers. Life is good, eh?

  5. Our apartment is in the basement of our family home, so we're cool indoors. I've just changed my weekly walk with my friend from 4 pm to 7 pm today. And I have plenty of things to do indoors. I'm lucky that way. Now, along about January, even in my well-lit basement, I'll be in the doldrums unless I'm in Tucson.

  6. My #4 and her family (3 year old and 6 month old kids) are visiting her sister in Seattle. 87°??? That is hotter than here! They especially picked this time of the year because the weather in Seattle is usually wonderful. Ah well, they are enjoying themselves none-the-less. And I am enjoying having zero family responsibility for a couple of weeks.

  7. Your Dahlias are lovely! Let's hope the heat eases up soon.

  8. We've had a constant battle with heat and dryness and I used that as an excuse for my pathetic garden this year. Then my daughter, who lives on Orcas, came to visit and brought me a basket of greens, beans, zucchini, and other squash. I feel great knowing I passed on love of gardening, but am mystified how she raised all that this year! (Maybe her Hugelculture mounds? Island weather different? Greener thumb?)

  9. The colours of your flowers are so bright and beautiful!
    Tomorrow is the end of the Olympic Games so I will watch tv. It is also very hot here and I only work or go out in the morning.


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