Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunshiny Flowers

 After days of rain, the sun is shining, lighting up the sunshiny flowers in the garden. That makes me smile, kind of like this little pottery face.

Of course the real things are smiling at the sun too.

After some busy days we have had a slow few days as the DNC ended and the rain began. The rain was much needed and for now the long summer drought has ended too and the wild fire danger is down. 

I watched all of the Democratic Convention, from 4:00 in the afternoon till 9:00 in the evening. Of course I did other things while it was on, like read blogs, work the Wordle, cook and eat dinner. By the time it was over on Thursday I was filled with joy. I really hope the upbeat feeling much of the country was feeling then will continue. This campaign could be brutal. 
Friday morning we had an enjoyable time with our friends at breakfast, groceries got purchased, I got in a stationary bike workout, and dinner got cooked and eaten. We watched an OK and somewhat inspiring movie, "Tyson's Run".

Is it just me or do you have trouble remembering what you did yesterday? That was Saturday and I had to do my "long program" PT, which takes about an hour. We did a little shopping in the morning and I was back on my bike in the garage before tuning in to a Sounders soccer match in Minnesota. Seattle won. Sorry, Minnesotans. After a dinner of leftovers, we had a preseason Seahawks football game to sort of watch as we played on computers. 

Now Sunday is speeding by. We walked this morning. Walking was hard today but I got my mile +. I took a long time reading the newspaper while Tom worked in the garden. This afternoon I strolled around in the garden, took a few photos, and got a mosquito bite on my neck. Tom can work outside for hours and never get a bite. I can be outside for minutes and they find me. 

I just have time to sit and work Wordle and skim FaceBook before it's time to prepare dinner. I always like the Memories. There's be salmon for dinner. 

See you later. 


  1. Yes, I have all kids of problems with my short term memory. It's frustrating but I don't worry about it.

  2. I have memory problems too. Seems to come with age. Good thing there are not many mosquitoes in our area because if there were they would surely find me. I seem to be a magnet for them too.

  3. The sunflowers are lovely!
    I've been noticing memory issues for awhile now. I'd like to say it is because the filing cabinets in my mind are stuffed full, but I suspect it is simply a sign of aging.
    The DNC was a breath of fresh air.

  4. Needless to say, you and I will vote for Democrats in November!

  5. I love the sunflower with face in your garden! As well as the rest of your flowers.

  6. Salmon for dinner sounds lovely! Sunflowers are just about the cheeriest flower I can think of, love them!


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