Monday, September 16, 2024


 The laundry is done. Some of the housework is done. I went for my mile+ walk. Tom has been working outside.

Now the lawn is mowed and the sun is shining after a cloudy morning. 

Saturday it rained again and since we got an email about a pottery sale at a local nursery, and since we needed some larger pots for our "Danger Garden", we went shopping.

These plants will get larger pots, but will have to be handled very carefully. Danger!

Tom sifted compost in preparation for making potting soil.

While we were outside Charlie/Mewdini came to visit. I gave him his treat during lunch, but when he returned this afternoon he complained that his dish was empty. He wasn't accepting that he already had his treats, so eventually I caved. 

Sunday was a big sports day in Seattle. The NFL Seahawks won in New England. The MLB Mariners won in Seattle. The Storm won their WNBA game, and the Sounders won their MLS game in Seattle. Tom and Jill were at the soccer match. I watched football and soccer on TV.  All Seattle fans were happy. 

I am slowly recovering from those hornet/wasp stings. They swelled up big and itched like crazy. Today they are greatly diminished in swelling, redness and itching. This is the fifth day. Can you tell I get big reactions from insect bites and stings? But at least they are not life threatening. 

It's time to wrap this up and go work Wordle before I prep dinner. We'll be grilling since the sun is shining. It's past the middle of September already and we have to take advantage of sunny days while we have them. 


  1. Oh my your hornet stings still look painful. Your danger plants look great...I can see why they are called that, I bet Tom uses gloves to transplant them! Warm here for September in the 80's during the day.

  2. At this time of year the yellow jackets are busy and hungry. watch out. I hope you've had the last bite.

  3. I too am glad you are recovering from those bites. They still look awful, though. And congrats to all the sports teams!

  4. Happy to hear you are recovering from the wasp stings, and that your reaction isn't more severe.
    Oh, your dangerous plants appear downright mean. I'm sure it will be a process getting them transplanted in the larger pots.

  5. Your hornet stings are so impressive!
    It must be very painful.
    The pots will be difficult to manage with these cactus!
    I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I have a few danger plants but I don't want to take care of them. They are outgrowing their pots but that is how I will leave them. Especially since I recently got stabbed by one of them while I was pulling the neighbor's vines off my fence and my hand pulled downward and into the plant's needles. OUCH!

    Don't you think that Wordle is getting more difficult? I do like the challenge though.

  7. You hadn't mentioned Charlie/ Mewdini recently so it was nice to see him.
    Hopefully those wasp stings will heal and stop being itchy.

  8. Insect bites and stings are horrible. I get ant bites while sitting on my sofa!


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