Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Pots and Old Friends.


Those new pots I showed you on the last post all got filled and the plants put back in the Danger Garden. We found some heavy gloves for Tom and he survived without injury. Now the plants can all stay put on the patio until the cold rains start, then most will go into the greenhouse for the winter. 

I picked some new flowers for the house.

Today, Thursday, I attended a gathering of the McMicken Lunch Bunch. It has been about a year since we all got together. All but one of us have retired and we all worked at McMicken Heights Elementary at one time or another. 

That young one in front that can still get up off the floor is Chris, our principal when I and others of us retired. She took time off from her now district  administrative job to join us. 

When I saw these two standing together I jumped at the chance to get a photo of us together, the three Lindas. There was even a fourth Linda for a while. We had to use our last names in conversations, so I am forever known as Linda Reeder. 

It was a fun time seeing and visiting with old friends. Teachers make friends for life. 


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