Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hand Surgery Update

It has been two weeks since my carpel tunnel surgery. I have reached the stage where I can do light work, and even managed to fasten my bra by myself this morning! Today I had the stitches removed, and the incision was scary, as it was just starting to heal at the bottom of the trench. I thought, Oh, my gosh, it's going to split open. But never fear. I am now taped together with steri-strips. I still have to keep it clean and dry - plastic bag in the shower, rubber glove at the kitchen sink. It needs another week to heal, and by then the strips should fall off. I have an extra supply in case they fall off too soon. I will be nervous about using it again for a day or two. I'm not good at this kind of stuff.


  1. I do so relate! I'm not good at that kind of stuff either. Fortunately, I haven't had to have any type of surgery at all and it's a good thing since I'm such a wuss!

    Hope it finishes healing quickly!


  2. Oh, dear, that sounds scary. I would be scared too. Now you follow the doctors orders and take it easy. Hugs and Love from Virginia.

  3. I'm feeling for you, Linda. Here are two sites you might want to look at. The Neosporin scar patch is what my doctor recommended and it did a very nice job for me on my neck when I had my thyroids removed.



  4. well take it easy, this is a lesson in patience.

  5. Oh, just go without the bra! HA Seriously, I'm glad to hear it's on the mend.

  6. Must be difficult for you to have to slow down Linda..before ya know it you'll be making halloween costumes.

  7. My bras are never UNhooked. They are washed hooked and put on already hooked.. over the head [as if you were putting on a swimming tube at the beach] and then one arm at a time into each strap. And reverse the process to take it off.
    After many hand surgeries and having fingers that are affected by RA, I hate to fight with the hooks. Also, in my case, post surgery looks scary and yet it generally heals amazingly well. Hang in there. This too shall pass!!

  8. I'm glad that it's healing well Linda... I hope it did the job.. Michelle

  9. I'm happy to hear that surgery went well and you're on the road to recovery...although I do agree with Maya... any excuse to go without a bra is a reason to celebrate in my book. I don't know how happy I'd be to have the excuse ripped from me.

    I can't imagine what carpel tunnel surgery would be like. I wanted to slap the doctor/diagnostician who merely tested me for it. His little electric strobes hurt like (bleep) and he just grinned through the whole proceedure.

    Anyway, point here is, I'm pleased everything is going well for you.

  10. Hope that your hand surgery is fine now and there is no problem now.

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