Friday, October 30, 2009

Pre-Halloween Blizzard

Thursday morning we awoke to snow, with an inch on the ground and more to come. Schools were closed. Snow Day! Play Day!
The wind was blowing and it was 28 when I braved the elements to go out and take a few photos.
Irene said the Princess Pumpkin had snow crown. The others seemed to be complaining.
Jill and Isaac made witch treats for his class party scheduled for Friday.
But yesterday afternoon and into the night, the winds howled and the snow swirled, and by evening we got the word that school would be closed again on Friday. No Halloween parties. Isaac was very upset, so he texted the school principal to tell him we should have parties Monday. Then we watched the Seattle Sounders play in the first round of the MLS playoffs. The result was a 0-0 tie, so whoever scores in the match in Houston next week will probably progress.
This morning it was 21 degrees cold and the sun was shining. After a late start we went to the school grounds and went sledding. Grampa Tom helped with the push off.
Isaac had a great time.
So did Irene, especially floundering in the deep snow drifts.
Jill and Gramma Linda had fun too.
This afternoon the temps are up to 40 and the snow is dripping and disappearing. But it will take a while to melt away, as it will freeze again tonight.
We're all saying "Hey, it isn't even Halloween yet! What the heck kind of weather is this?"
The geese are getting out of here.
There will be Town Trick-or-Treating this evening on Main Street. We'll put on our jackets over and under our costumes and hit the town. All is not lost.
Isaac's flag football team game will most likely be cancelled tomorrow due to a snow logged field, but we'll find something else fun to do.
And all those little witches? They taste good with coffee and hot chocolate.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Colorado Halloween Update

Arachnia, the Spider Witch, made an appearance yesterday at Sherman preschool, where Princess Cinderella Irene was holding court, flaunting her new royal cape. They celebrated early due to school closure for conferences. But today everyone is home, all schools closed here in Fort Morgan, due to SNOW! Really there isn't that much yet, about an inch, but it's 28 and continuing to snow. So, hey, Snow Day! Play day! Pumpkin carving was a success last night. If I figure out how to download here I'll get some pics posted. But right now my technical advisor, Officer Corey, has gone back to bed. The kids are having a cartoon fest in front of the TV, a rare treat for them. Time to go join them.
OK, it's a snowy afternoon, and we've got pics.
Oh, Gramma, it's beautiful!
Eating eyeballs and other delights.
Gramma, will you carve me a princess pumpkin? Having fun. Smiling faces - well, most of them.
The princess pumpkin passed inspection.
Faces aglow, but now outside covered in blowing snow!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Away We Go

Spider Witch is leaving town, Colorado bound.

There may be snow!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Color in Langley, Whidbey Island

We like to stop at the Useless Bay Coffee Company on our stroll around Langley, especially when the weather allows for enjoying your latte outside.
Maples across the street.
Beauty Berry in a shrub border.
A flower of spades.
The boy and his dog are still enjoying the view.
These last two photos were taken at the same place at the same time. It all depends on where you point the camera.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Walk On The Dike

The trail on the dike that rims Deer Lagoon is a beautiful place for a stroll on a sunny day, especially in Autumn. The brush lining the path is rich with texture and color, including red wild rose hips, white snow berry, and blackberry.
I think I take this same photo every year because I love the frame that the madrona tree supplies.
I was mostly alone on this walk, but there are always creatures around.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Skywatch - Whidbey Island Sunset

Last Monday was a partly cloudy day, allowing the sun to peek through and color the cloud patterns. Over Deer Lagoon
Over Useless Bay
Double Bluff
For more views of the sky go here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October On Whidbey Island - Part I

We're back home after three days at the cabin on Sunlight Beach. We winterized the garden and enjoyed some Island Time. It was still foggy over the Sound as we awaited the ferry Monday morning.
After settling in, we got right to work. Tom got mulch from the Langley Waste Water Treatment Plant, using the old pick up truck his cousin keeps there at the family compound. The price was right - free if you do the shoveling.
I trimmed and cut back perennials and pulled weeds. Then Tom laid down the mulch.
There was some sky drama as the sun went down behind Double Bluff.
Tuesday morning the fog hung heavy over the lagoon.
Tom planted bulbs, tucking tulips in and around existing plants.
Then we were off to Freeland to browse for treasures in some antique shops, and have coffee at the Lighthouse Cafe.
It's late, so I'll wait to share more pics in another posting. It looks like I might need to do another Skywatch Friday with some sunset photos over the bay and lagoon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Autumn Arrives Unevenly

Autumn in the northwest is a mixed bag. We were out yesterday driving around in the area. Many of the big leaf maples are in their full, glowing glory. And yet on my street they are just beginning to turn. In my own garden, some trees are coloring up, and some are still green. On the patio, a trident maple bonsai is nearly naked, while the little burning bush has just gone scarlet. This is a messy time of the year. The cedar tree drops old foliage in the fall, and the fall out has begun. It will pile up under the tree, awaiting cleanup. Out in the garden each tree seems to have it's own schedule. The hostas have gone golden, as have other ground covers.
But roses are still blooming, weighted down by the heavy rain we've had the last few days.
The green house is filling up with cuttings and tender plants.
We have begun the big job of fall cleanup. One of the raised beds has rotted out and Tom is replacing the board. As we work through the yard, we dump bins of trimmings on the raised beds, which Tom will turn under to supply compost which rots down over the winter.
We planted tulip bulbs in nursery cans yesterday. They will be sunk into the ground around the yard. Here tulips have to be treated as an annual, since the bulbs don't do well. We pop them out after they bloom in the spring and fill the spots with something else.
The full moon maple in the front yard is now beginning to turn. It is wonderful to look down on it from the upstairs bedroom window.
Yes, autumn arrives unevenly, but it lengthens the beauty of the season.
We will be heading for Whidbey Island Monday for a few days. We have a garden to winterize there too.