The wind was blowing and it was 28 when I braved the elements to go out and take a few photos.
Irene said the Princess Pumpkin had snow crown. The others seemed to be complaining.
But yesterday afternoon and into the night, the winds howled and the snow swirled, and by evening we got the word that school would be closed again on Friday. No Halloween parties. Isaac was very upset, so he texted the school principal to tell him we should have parties Monday. Then we watched the Seattle Sounders play in the first round of the MLS playoffs. The result was a 0-0 tie, so whoever scores in the match in Houston next week will probably progress.
This morning it was 21 degrees cold and the sun was shining. After a late start we went to the school grounds and went sledding.
Grampa Tom helped with the push off.
Isaac had a great time.
So did Irene, especially floundering in the deep snow drifts.
Jill and Gramma Linda had fun too.
This afternoon the temps are up to 40 and the snow is dripping and disappearing. But it will take a while to melt away, as it will freeze again tonight.
We're all saying "Hey, it isn't even Halloween yet! What the heck kind of weather is this?"
The geese are getting out of here.
There will be Town Trick-or-Treating this evening on Main Street. We'll put on our jackets over and under our costumes and hit the town. All is not lost.
Isaac's flag football team game will most likely be cancelled tomorrow due to a snow logged field, but we'll find something else fun to do.
And all those little witches? They taste good with coffee and hot chocolate.