Friday, July 22, 2011

First Day Back in Seattle

We all took it easy the first day that Jill and family were back in Seattle.

For Corey it has been much longer since his last visit, one he looks forward to in order to escape the Colorado summer heat.  The 60 degree temp this morning was just a pleasant respite for him.

Corey did some work on my computer, switching my browser to Google Chrome, which seems to have solved some of the problems we were having.  All of my Blogger tools are back!   Jill did a little shopping and a lot of sitting and reading.  I played with the kids, of course, and when they took a nap this afternoon, I sat on the patio and read.
Irene "cooked" in the playhouse, making strawberry short cake again.  But she spent as much time as she could under the rainbow.

 Isaac helped Grandpa pick the raspberries, but he ate most of what he picked.  We all enjoyed raspberries and ice cream for dessert.
While I had my camera at the ready, I didn't take that many photos today.   We were busy playing.  But I did have it handy to capture this visitor to the garden.

We all enjoyed the sunshine and mild temps.  It was a great day.


  1. That is an amazing butterfly photo! The color is fabulous! I love it that you're having such a great time with the family. You really got a ton of raspberries there. Wow!

  2. nice pics, Linda. Glad you got your computer fixed. Your patio looks great.

  3. I've been using Chrome for my blogging for a while now and had just gotten used to everything being fixed. Glad you are on board with it now, too.

    The weather is supposed to be spectacular this weekend, our first real taste of summer, I suspect. And just in time for the grands...

  4. we are enjoying your lovely weather and visiting with family in Redmond this weekend.

  5. Looks like a great day with the grandkids. We are having 100 degree temperatures so 60 degrees sounds pretty good right now.

  6. Love the umbrella! It is very hot here and a cool breeze would be great. Your gardens are so beautiful.

  7. It looks like Irene really like the rainbow umbrella.

    I'm like you. When the grandkids are around, I tend to not take too many photos. I am enjoying the time too much. They also don't like the 'paparazzi' hounding them.

    I am very impressed by the butterfly photo. Lovely.

  8. Nice to see the family together linda. It's so good they spend so much time with you here. The children are growing fast.
    A yellow butterfly. I never see them here even though many butterfly plants are around. I'm delighted to see this one.


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