Friday, February 1, 2013

A Walk in the Sun

It has been a while since we had a mild, sunny day.

We had the kids this Friday afternoon, and I told them we were going for a walk.  I met with resistance.  In fact Isaac never did get into it, lagging along and complaining whenever he had an opportunity, but Irene can turn anything into an adventure, and she was on a nature walk, looking for signs of spring.

We walked along the Green River Trail.
 We found buds swelling on bushes and trees, some pussy willows showing white, and the first dandelion!   
 Irene kept up a steady stream of chatter, talking about nature, and also planning how she will turn her playhouse into a garden shop this spring.  Spring was very much in the air and on her mind.  

And then, tired as she was, she saw this tree up ahead and had to get there.  
 Grandpa helped her find a seat.

From here we turned around to head back to the car.  That made Isaac happy, that and the snacks I fixed for him when we got home.  That kid is always hungry!

I do love sunny days, shared with good company.


  1. This post made me happy. I even chuckled to myself.

  2. It's always great to get outside and find a tree to climb.

  3. Oh what a fun day, Linda! You're looking for spring on February 1st? Wow! You really have a very short winter. We didn't look for spring in Chicago until April, and even then it wasn't really there until mid May.

  4. Glad to know it's sunny back home. I have been enjoying it for a week now and although it got cool the past few days, the sun is still shining very brightly. It certainly lifts my spirits. :-)

  5. Adorable little wood sprite you have there!

  6. It's ground hog day! Now we'll know when spring will come. It's been in the 60s here-love it!

  7. It must be wonderful to be seeing signs of spring in your neck of the woods. That's so not happening here.


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