Of course there were many more display gardens besides the one I featured n my last post, Hill Top Farm, in the Convention Center. It always amazes me how the creators can set these gardens up in ways that recreate what you would usually find outside. I have lot of photos, so I'll try to be selective. These were just in the entry hall, from the Flower Growers of Puget Sound.
Our second favorite garden was from Nature Perfect, Inc, and titled "Jump Into Spring".
Tom likes to pet trees. Actually it helps to identify what kinds they are.
The lighting in this garden was dramatic.
Camping out?
I liked the University of Washington canoes used as planters.
There was live music.
Kids and adults can both play in this garden.
How about these sliced boulder gate posts!
Dan Robinson does the Bonsai and son Will does the stone sculpting.
I'm sure that's enough for one post. There will be more display gardens to come in Part 3. Stay tuned.
When the NWFGF opened on Wednesday we were there, still tired and sore from all of our work in our own garden, but excited enough to press on. We had a treat in store for us. Through another blog friend, my blogging habit was called to the attention of Christianson's Nursery. They contacted me to get my attention to the display garden they would be creating for the show. Christianson's Nursery is a favorite stop on our annual trek to see the tulips in the Sakgit Valley. I have featured their nursery on my blog, most recently here. It is a wonderful destination just on its own. Well, the display garden this nursery presented to us was spell binding. For me it was a trip down memory lane, to old rural gardens of my childhood, and remembrances of years ago when more nurseries used to go all out with wonderfully naturalistic displays. Not only that, but it created images of Peter Rabbit and all of his little friends. You see, the garden was a recreated Hill Top Farm, the retreat of Beatrix Potter.
And now I am going to inundate you with photos I couldn't stop taking, even as I finagled my way through the throngs of other onlookers.
Sorry about the blurry lady bug, but I had to acknowledge to their presence. Not wanting to be weighted down with a heavy camera, I just used my iPhone 8. Not bad for a little guy.
There are just so many wonderful details and old stuff, it's like a treasure hunt.
Oh, Peter, you did nave a narrow escape! But don't those cabbages look good!
If you ever get to Sawrey Ambleside, County Cumbria, in England, you can visit Miss Potter's garden yourself. It is now part of the National Trust.
Or you can just come to Seattle to see it. But hurry, it only lasts until Sunday. Better yet, go to Christianson's Nursery in the spring time. It's magical too. https://www.christiansonsnursery.com/