Saturday, June 27, 2020

Droopy Daisies and Old People Toys

We had a little rain this morning, .34 of an inch, just right to refresh everything, but the rain weighs heavy on the June flowers, like these droopy daisies.
 and roses

and poppies
The bird bath is full.
The border is sagging.
And I have been trying out my new toy.
 It's a sock putter-onner, otherwise know as a sock slider.
 Getting a woman's sock over the hard plastic tube is a struggle. 

 Slide your foot all the way into the toe of the sock.
 Then pull.

 I needed to do a little adjusting, but I can lift my foot to do that with one hand.
After my last back surgery I had to have Tom put on my socks for me for a while since I was not supposed to bend over. This takes a little time, but I will be having plenty of time during recovery. Maybe old people toys will be entertaining as well as helpful. :-)

I have also ordered an extended shoe horn, and I'm considering slip on sneakers. I need to wear supportive shoes for other issues. 

So I am preparing. Once my back is healed, I'll need hip replacement surgery.

Falling apart is not fun, but I am working at not being a droopy daisy. 


  1. Showers are on our forecast too and I just hope the Annabelle Hydrangeas don't flop like the do every year. We did try a different way of supporting them this year so we'll see.
    The sock putter-on is interesting but I don't think I could get a sock onto the apparatus because my hands are in such bad shape.

  2. Linda, we of a certain age have to adjust to these falling apart things but I think you have a good attitude made up of acceptance and abiding with grace. Healing energy in my thoughts to you.

  3. That is a wonderful sock putter on. I need one and I might purchase one for my mother in law.

  4. Working at not being droopy is a major effort. My Dad and most of his Arizona friends had slip on sneakers.

  5. Hang in there, aging and replacing parts is a challenge that's for sure.

  6. It is good that someone has put their thinking caps to good use and made aids for us as things become more difficult. Even the droopy daisy perks up as the water brings health back to them. These pending surgeries can do the same for you. Only good thoughts and prayer coming your way.

  7. Nice invention! I'll tell hubby to see this on your blog. He needs something like this.

  8. You are doing wonderfully well! I have never seen a sock puller-oner before, but I guess one day I'll need one. Glad to hear you are looking forward to all the upcoming hospital events. I am so glad you are continuing to post often and hope that will continue. I would miss seeing all your flowers. And knowing how you are doing. :-)

  9. Good for you. It is good to be as prepared as you can be. Your garden looks great even being a bit soggy.

  10. I love my sock putter-onner, or sock slider. I've used one since I had my third back surgery in 2013. I also use a special device to put on my compression stockings, another "gift" from that back surgery. I wear that stocking on my bad leg and an AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) and deep-toe box SAS shoe. I wear the matching shoe and a regular sock on my right foot. All of this is a real pain, but necessary.

  11. What beautiful flowers you have!

  12. Lovely flowers so glad to hear you are not a droopy daisy! They make lots of aids for the elderly. We have a long handled shoe horn, Far Guy uses it:) It doesn't help me as it won't work with my red rubber boots or my winter boots:)

  13. The color of the poppy is such a beautiful deep red. I’ve never heard of the sock putter. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. It sounds painful.


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