Sunday, June 13, 2021


 It rained all day Friday. It is raining again today, Sunday. But it didn't rain on our parade, i.e. our graduation party.

Tom and I joined Isaac's other grandparents and we watched Isaac's high school graduation from Jill's house via live streaming. 

Jill, Irene, and Isaac's dad, Corey, were in the stadium. Corey is a professional photographer. He has big cameras. They got a better view, and we get to share it through his photos. 

The story goes that since Isaac's girlfriend had a special assignment, Tassel Turner, he got to join her at the front of the line, along with a best buddy, Conner.

Remember in school when "line leader" used to be a special privilege? 
Lead on, Line Leader. Here they come, all 350 of them. 

There was an attempt at social distancing, at least when they were sitting down. 

There were speeches.

Then there were diplomas. Four good friends up first.

Get the diploma, get the mask off, pose for the photo. 

Then there was hoopla

Then there was hugging.
Then there was homecoming.

Before the party guests arrived we posed for photos.

Mother and son.
And sister Irene.
Add Dad Corey. 
Parents and grandparents. 
The Reeder grandparents.
Mr. Whiskers wanted attention too. 
The Gibson/Moser grandparents. 

Good friends.

And then people came and there was a party.
There was lots of hugging, we can!

There were lots of beautiful young people and relatives of all sorts. One way or another we were mostly all parents or grandparents or siblings or cousins of someone else there. Or special friends with kid connections. 

I didn't get everybody. I was busy having fun and visiting and hugging. 

It was a very good day. The sun shone upon us and made us glad. 

Congratulations to Isaac and his support staff. A major milestone has been reached and celebrated. Many more life adventures await. 


  1. That was a great day. A great celebration. Congratulations to Isaac on his graduation. He brought all the family together.

  2. 350 grads! That's a lot of them! Looks like a great party and the weather even cooperated.
    Congratulations to Isaac.

  3. Congratulations Isaac! 350 kids wow that is a huge class! Looks like a fun party! :)

  4. H.S. graduation is a real milestone, worthy of a celebration. Congratulations to Isaac.

  5. Congratulations to your grandson Isaac! It is indeed a wonderful milestone.

  6. Congratulations Isaac. What a splendid day with the right amount of celebration--thank goodness for vaccines. Be proud as young man as your parents, family, grands, and friends are of you.

  7. The only the beginning is correct!

  8. Great pictures! I love seeing the whole extended family like this. Congratulations Isaac! :-)

  9. Congratulations Isaac! The pictures are so good. Everyone looks so happy. Sure hard to believe Isaac is old enough to graduate from high school. Time flies!

  10. Congratulations Isaac! What a special day!

  11. He even wore a lei. Wow! LOL. Congratulations, Isaac! Aloha from Hawaii.

  12. I can hardly believe little Isaac has graduated from high school and is now a very handsome young man. Time really does fly. It's wonderful to see how well documented this special day was for Isaac and his gorgeous family.


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