Thursday, March 10, 2022


 After I finished my PT this morning and then read some of your blog posts, I went out to check up on Tom. I found him in the garage working on his bonsai trees.

He has recovered nicely from his bout with the 24 hour stomach flu bug. Thank you for your concern. Now he is back to doing what makes him happy, puttering in his garden. In venturing out a bit yesterday he discovered that some of his little trees needed attention
This is where he keeps them over winter, protected from too much rain or deep freezes. He will start moving them out now.
On my quick trip outside I found forsythia buds ready to burst into bloom.
I have a bit more information about my conditions. I am assured that I did not have a stroke from my TAVR valve job, but there are some other signs of brain issues that need to be checked out. But since the neurology appointment is now set - for a month from now, I am not considering it urgent. I will work on not thinking too much about it for now. My echocardiogram and follow up appointment next week will give me more answers about my heart conditions.

Meanwhile it's another sunny day, though cold, and I will go for my mile walk again this afternoon. Tomorrow we get to go to Irene's first of the season track meet and watch her jump hurdles! Saturday I am going with Tom to my first of the season Sounders Match.

Life is good as long as I take it easy. 

Our hellebores are in their prime. 


  1. good news, I just returned from my dental hygienist appointment and she complimented me on having all my teeth at age 81 well most have fillings and some are crown but they are mine....amazing bodies we have.

  2. All good news. If they don't want to see you for a month, it sure isn't urgent and so glad Tom's illness was brief.
    Delighted you will finally get to go to a Sounders game. That has to make your week. Hope they win for you.

  3. The flowers are so beautiful. You have all kinds of gentle reminders that life can leak good even in harder times.

  4. The little flowers are simply lovely. Glad that Tom has recovered, and hopeful that all of your appointments go well.

    Enjoy the track meet and the Sounders game!

  5. Glad Tom is better. Those are beautiful trees and a cute winter house for them. Your plans and strategy sound very sensible. At least you have a baseline photo of your head in case anything changes. The procedures you've already had sound successful, even with the hiccups along the way. Usually better than the alternative! Your flowers are just amazing. My Kansas City tulips and birds don't know what the heck is going on since we've had too much vacillating weather. Linda in Kansas

  6. That all sounds encouraging. I agree with your statement: Life is good as long as I take it easy.

  7. I'm so glad to hear Tom is better, I love that first picture of him with his bonsai. And great news that you are not in any danger in the short term. I didn't get the Wordle today, but it isn't bothering me like I thought it would. :-)

    1. One of the symptoms of what might be wrong with my brain is slowed/impaired thinking, but since I have been solving the Wordle each day lately in three or four tries in under five minute, I am feeling reassured that my brain is working pretty well. :-)

    2. Oh my, I also didn't get Wordle today - too many things rhymed and I felt bad, and then I was fine. I always start with "ADIOS" since it has 3 vowels but maybe I need to start with something else.

  8. Love the bonsai! At our age we can spend all our time worrying about our health if we're not careful!

  9. Don't know where to begin, I've missed so much. First, Jill birthday! Can I still wish her a happy birthday? She is so beaautiful! I love the picture of her and the cats. I'm glad Tom is feeling better. Isn't it hard to not think about health problems all the time? Seems like I get one thing straightened out and another problem pops up. You are the most upbeat person. I need a little of that. Hope you get all good news from your tests, and I feel like you will.

  10. Life is good when you have many flowers

  11. The Hellebores are beautiful! Good to hear Tom recovered quickly! Be kind to yourself/cut yourself some slack!

  12. Take care! I do hope your health improves!

  13. So glad to know that you and Tom are better. LOVE those bonsai trees!

  14. OUr bodies keep surprising us. Your mile walks are the best for all your body parts and it sounds as though your life is rich and full. I saw bonsai in San Diego. They require so much patience.

  15. Take care. Go slowly. Enjoy every minute.


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