Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March On


It's March! The month of daffodils, of my firstborn's birthday, the month of our wedding anniversary, of the kick off of another Sounders soccer season, and the official beginning of spring. Throw in the fun of St Patrick's Day and the hope of a lifting of the threat of COVID and pandemic restrictions. I celebrate March!

Today I brought in the new month with a visit with siblings. 

My sister Laurie invited us to her house for lunch and to meet up with our brother Hank and his wife Cindy. Last year they moved to Idaho, but now, in order to be near their adult children they will be moving this spring/summer to Georgia. Seeing them will be harder from now on.

On the home front, I am doing well. I went for walks Saturday and Sunday, getting in a mile on Sunday before the rains began, which continued on into this morning. Wet! Really Wet!

Tom went to the Sounders match on Sunday with Jill while I watched on TV. I hope to be able to go by March 12th. 

Monday I did quite a bit of the housecleaning, the laundry, and I have been doing the dinner cooking all along.

I had a long conversation/phone appointment with one of my doctors this morning. Another test will be done this week, mostly cautionary. It will hopefully answer a few more questions I have. 

Now we are home in time to post this and then get in front of the TV to watch the State of the Union Address. Whatever we are struggling with as a nation, at least we are not under attack and ducking bombs.

We count our blessings, and we March ON!


  1. You sound as if you are making a great recovery. You have listed all the fun things about march!

  2. That's a charming photo! Your smiles just look like there are jillion stories between all of you. Glad your recovery is going well. Linda in Kansas

  3. You seem to be doing amazingly well. Nice that you could be together with your siblings..

  4. You seem to be doing amazingly well and what a boost it had to be to have a siblings get together. Sorry your brother is moving so far away but thank goodness for technology.

  5. That's a great photo, and it does seem you are coming along very well. Let's all MARCH ON, for a month at least. :-)

  6. Happy March!

    Wonderful that your recovery is going well. I'll take your rain as we've more snow on the way.

  7. Beautiful siblings. Your brother is very handsome!

  8. Nice photo! Good to hear that you are resuming somewhat normal activities!

  9. Sounds like you're feeling better! We were notting the early signs of spring here yesterday, but no daffodils. They're still under 6" of snow.

  10. I’m so glad you were able to meet up with your siblings. I can’t believe it’s March! Time is just flying again!


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