Tuesday, January 24, 2023

More Signs of Spring


We are a month into Winter, a month past Solstice. Things are happening in the garden, and I am noticing the almost hour of more daylight each day now. 

Snow Drops and Witch Hazel aren't really spring flowers; they are winter blooms, but any blooms are signs of spring to me. 

The Snow Drops will take their time opening and be a tease right outside my window. They will be joined soon by the blooms of hardy winter Cyclamen.

Nearby the tiny blooms of the Sarcococca are fragrant and overhead the Witch Hazel is blooming.

The blooms are sparse because the shrub doesn't get enough sun, but these plants in my winter garden are all visible from my windows.

Tom is back outside as I type. It's cloudy and gray today but the last two days he had sunshine as he worked to clean out beds. Today he's cutting back the clematis vines and the hydrangeas. The yard waste bins that were emptied by the truck yesterday will soon be filled up again. It's winter pruning time. 

Everything is looking so tidy. I love it.
This is the kind of work I have always done, crawling around on the ground, up close and personal with what's emerging new from the dirt even as we clean up the old. I miss it.

Maybe next year. 


  1. I truly hope so. I know how much you enjoy being outdoors and digging around in the dirt. I love those pictures of the witch hazel, which is sure pretty to see!

  2. your blog is always the richest when I am anticipating seasons. My daffodils are up, My hellebores are blooming. We have not had a great winter.

  3. Snowdrops are definitely a spring flower here! Maybe April.

  4. I hope you will soon be joining in with Tom - digging in and playing with plants.

  5. I do hope you'll be able to join Tom in the gardens soon. My mom was like you in her love of the dirt and plants, and the last year she was alive, she was often found in the garden lying on her tummy, pulling the weeds that dad missed. Freaked a few of the neighbours out at first. :)

  6. It must be heart warming to look out your window and see signs of spring. Hope you will soon be digging in the gardens again with Tom.

  7. Nothing is coming out here too cold at the moment. I hope the daffodils will come out soon and that nothing died during this too hot summer we will see. Tom is lucky to be able to work outside I hope you’ll soon be able to work outside after you have your surgery.

  8. I used to love to see those snow drops peeking through the snow -- not close to this time of year in New England, though!

  9. No signs of spring here so I was delighted to see yours... thanks for sharing!

  10. Fun to see dirt and plants! I hope next year you can do what you want to again!


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