Sunday, January 24, 2010

Greet the Day

It's amazing:
How much more you can appreciate a sunrise after a good night's sleep.
How for a brief time the rising sun can set the sky afire, and then so quickly fade to gray.
How easily one could miss such a show.
I was up at seven this morning, not my usual hour, but feeling good after a real night's sleep. Instead of getting going on the day, I planted myself in front of my computer, to catch up on blogs. I have a window that looks out through the trees toward the southeast.
I suddenly caught a glimpse of glowing red. I hurried downstairs, grabbed my camera, and was out on the front porch. But with so many trees and houses in the way, I had to walk farther. I grabbed heavy slippers and found myself standing at the end of our long driveway, in my robe, out in the street, in the cold gray dawn, taking pictures of a fiery eastern sky.
By the time I got back to the house, it was gone.
The saying goes " Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning", and I do know it is going to rain later. That's OK. I have indoor activities planned.
But I greeted the day in a spectacular way!
And I even picked up the newspaper while I was about it.


  1. These are gorgeous shots, Linda! Such brilliant and beautiful colors!

    We can go from one extreme to the other in a matter of hours, can't we? I've gotten some fantastic shots down at the harbor the past couple of afternoons, but they can disappear so quickly!

    Have a great day! Enjoy!


  2. I am thrilled you had a good night's sleep. Sleep makes a world of difference.

    I have a new sleep development. I like to be up and about by 6:oo a.m. Lately it's been as late as 8:30. That has got to go. I'm missing half the day.

    I've also been reading until midnight the last few nights. I suspect that's the reason, so I'm going to change my reading schedule today.

  3. Worth getting up early for. We had blue sky for a bit yesterday but now the clouds are back. No colorful sunrise here.

  4. What a beautiful sight to wake up to. Thanks for sharing your view.

  5. I love the early morning. Fortunately, I am always up at the hour -- have a bit of a trip to get into the office on time. Enjoyed the pictures.

  6. we're all happy you got up early, gorgeous photos.

  7. Yes, we are very pleased you got up early to share these beautiful photos with us. Thank you. Its a lovely way to start a new day. There is so much I fear I "miss" in my daily activities, but when I do get a glorious glimpse I am so happy, more appreciative. Have a nice week ahead.


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