Saturday, January 2, 2010

Twenty Ten

According to news sources, there is a debate about what to call this new year. Since I am known to have an opinion on most everything, especially if there is a rational, logical course of thinking, I'm weighing in. Like a good teacher, I look at past practices, and then determine if there is a need to change. An important date in history, soon after going to four digits, is 1066. Did you learn it as one thousand sixty-six of ten sixty-six? Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. That's fourteen ninety-two, not one thousand, four hundred ninety-two. The long way throws off the meter and besides, it reminds me of having to write out a big check. I hate that! It's hard to fit on the line and it reminds me of the big number I'm spending. I was born in nineteen forty-four. When were you? Oh, sure, the year 2000 threw us off, and twenty-oh-one seemed awkward. Besides saying "two thousand" was a novelty. But we're so over that now. I'm all for efficiency, and I see no reason to abandon past practice. I'm saying "twenty ten". How about you?


  1. I join you in saying "twenty-ten." What else will Americans find to fret about? Must we debate everything?

  2. I like 20-10 and maybe when my birthday comes this year I'll be 7-0. lol!

  3. Twenty-ten it is! As with most things, I agree with you.

  4. For the longest time, I was saying "two thousand ten," but I can see it your way! So twenty ten it is!

  5. Looks like we all agree!20-10 is quicker!

  6. I was born in 1966. I love the double numbers! I think Twenty Ten sounds just fine!

  7. Yikes! I like two thousand ten myself. Just because! I was born in '56. I say '56 but my husband says his year as 1957.

  8. Interesting thoughts Linda. I like twenty ten. - Dave

  9. Happy twenty ten to you Linda!


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