Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunny in Seattle

We've been having the most extreme weather here the last few days. It's dry! Even when it's not dry, it's warm! Yesterday it got up to 60 degrees! Sometimes it's even sunny! Like today! I finally took down the holiday greens and the wreath by the front door. They are replaced by a pot of little daffodils. No snow on these snowdrops. After my walk yesterday I took some time for "recliner therapy" while I worked the newspaper crossword puzzle. They're always easy early in the week, and it's satisfying to be able to finish one in under an hour. Then after lunch, I tackled that sewing learning curve. I'm working on a wall hanging using a printed panel I bought about two years ago. Remember, I'm digging out unfinished projects. Anyway, the next step called for free motion quilting, or outline quilting, which I've never done before. I've previously limited my quilting to straight line. So I layered up a sample - top fabric, batting, backing - attached my walking foot to the sewing machine, and practiced. After about an hour, I got tired of that and decided I was ready to try the real project. I spent the next two hours quilting my wall hanging. I outlined the herons and did contour stitching on the background.
I'll show you the whole thing when I get it finished. I already know how to make bias edging and attach it. That will be next.
By the time I finished, it was dinner time and I was tired. Tom took me out to dinner.
We did not watch our usual MSNBC programming and only a part of the national news. We did watch the Chuck episode we missed Monday, on the computer, no less, since I forgot to record it. We did watch the previous nights Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which we record every night. And we were going to watch The Good Wife, which we like, but it was a repeat, so I went to bed with the latest copy of Time magazine and read until my eyes wouldn't stay open.
It took me a while to fall asleep, and I did wake up frequently during the night, but I actually went back to sleep each time.
I feel better today. In about an hour some teacher friends will be joining us for a field trip lunch downtown via Link light rail.
It's a beautiful day!


  1. Gosh, I hate to think what you'd be if your creative juices wern't somewhat depressed.

    I'm not angry with President Obama but I'm totally disgusted with the American people.

    Therefore, I downloaded some light reading to my Kindle and I'm taking a break. I can't afford to get too emotionally involved.

    Glad you had a better night.

  2. sounds like an your life. You can't always react to what is happening but have to take action and it sounds like you did. Lovely quilt and the daffodils are beautiful...we are getting rain, rain, rain-so different for us but right now it's clear and sunny. HURRAH!

  3. Sounds like an amazing day, Linda. Daffodils? Ummm.... it's January. In Chicago, we don't even think daffodils until late March. Your quilting project is looking mighty amazing, Linda! I'm amazed at your energy! However, you're motivating me to get off the computer and do my painting that's not been done in over a year.

  4. Oh, Linda I know what you mean about being disgusted with the American people. So many want just what thewy want and they want it right now! No matter that it will take lots of time and money to fix an ecinomy that we began to break during the Reagan administration. Obama owns the problem now and he didn't fix it in his first year, so now it's tiem for another change!???

  5. Oh I envy you the weather you have been having lately. The daffodils are so pretty and what a cheery sight. Your quilt is so lovely! Can't wait to see the finished project! My project (still) is the decluttering around the house.

  6. Wow that wall hanging is so beautiful. Herons lend themselves well to the project.

    Yes we have been having such lovely weather. January is usually our coldest month. Oops!!

    Haven't the skies been great too? Great cloud formations. I got my Mother some Primroses and pansies and let her plant them. MB

  7. Oh my GOSH...I love the herons. You really are so talented....


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