Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunny Days!

Tom and I are stiff and sore and tired after spending most of the last two days outside in the yard. Yesterday we cut off the fronds on all of our sword ferns, shredded the fronds in the chipper/shredder, and put the shredded material down as mulch. This is just one section of the area we have covered in these native ferns. The old fronds will turn brown, so we cut them off before the new fronds start to grow. This morning we had dentist appointments, but then by 11:00 we were back outside. I rebuilt the platforms for the birdbaths, straightening them, and then cleaned and refreshed them. Tom worked through piles of debris from our trees, shredding them and putting down mulch. Then he got the lawn mowed.
I tackled the pots on the patio, checking to see what lived through the winter and what didn't. That 17 degrees temp before Thanksgiving wiped out a lot of stuff. It looks like I'll have to start over on most of the pots.
Last week we got the roses pruned. Stuff is popping out of the ground everywhere.
We have a few blooms here and there.
The first clump of trillium is opening.
There may be rain tomorrow, and that might be a good thing. We need to rest.
But oh, it felt so good to get out and work in the sun.


  1. I wish you and Tom were working in MY yard!

  2. Those trillium are the sign of the Pacific Northwest to me, I never saw them anywhere else before here. And what a wonderful garden you have! It's really amazing and beautiful, Linda. Yes, maybe it's time for a little rest...

  3. You guys are amazing! No wonder your garden is a work of art. It's definitely spring in the Northwest!

  4. Wonderful work of art! Your garden is something you can truly be proud of, Linda!

  5. Really lovely flowers. All this makes me miss having a garden.

  6. I'd love to have your gardens...and you two to maintain them for me. What a thorough and beautiful job you do. On the Maine front, we still have at least 6" of snow covering everything. I did spot a snowdrop in bloom, though, up against the warm kitchen foundation wall. Hope springs eternal. Or spring hopes eternal....

  7. I absolutely love pictures of your gardens--masterpieces. I covet that blue birdbath.

  8. I think sunshine is needed for our growth. Enjoy working outside...

  9. Nice how you share in the "work" - I guess it makes it like play.

    Love the primroses. So spring-like!

  10. You and Tom must be beside yourselves to be back outside working in your gardens. I'm looking forward to seeing many beautiful pictures.

  11. Your garden looks fantastic. I wish I could get motivated to work in my messy garden. This post is inspiring me.

  12. After seeing your lovely trillium blooms, I'm more anxious than ever to see the ones on our hillside soon. Spring does present a lot of work...rain gave us a small break here!

  13. Even if it is colder there, sun in Washington is so special that we hate to miss a single day of it! The weather wimps are thinking about heading home!

  14. Nothing better than the tired feeling after a great day in the garden.

  15. I got out and worked last Saturday in my yard. Completely wore myself out, but like you, ahhh, it felt great.

  16. You yard looks more like a park!!

  17. What I love about gardening is that one sees immediate efforts. Your garden spaces look wonderful!

    It always surprises me that no matter how hard I work out at the gym, I'm always more sore after spending an hour doing yard work!

  18. Oh your yard Linda...everything you and hubby put your minds to is just wonderful...I enjoyed this visit as I still see snow. Thank you for adding this post to Nature Notes... Michelle...


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