Thursday, September 22, 2011

Travel Planning

There is one Southwest state I have not traveled to, and I have been trying to work out a trip there for several years.  It seems something always gets in the way of my getting to New Mexico.

Finally, I found a nine day window in October and bought airline tickets   We're going.  Now I'm trying to get the time to plan the itinerary.

I really wanted to get to Carlsbad Caverns, but there is so much to see and do in the northern half of the state, and it's just too far south to do in less than three days.  So I think I will eliminate this national park from the list, much as I love national parks.

We will fly to Albuquerque and rent a car.  We'll concentrate on Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos, and areas surrounding them.

Any "must see" suggestions from those of you who have traveled there? 


  1. I have heard many good things about Taos. Doesn't actress Julia Roberts live there with her family?

    If you ever need a dentist in Albuquerque, let me know. My cousin practices dentistry there.

  2. New Mexico is on my list, too. I'm excited for you!

  3. We have been to New Mexico twice now, and loved it both times. This past June we spent all of our time in the Albuquerque area and wished we could have gone to northern NM. That's where we spent most of our time two years ago. Here are my flickr sets:

  4. I lived in Boulder and traveled a few times to Taos, which is my favorite place in New Mexico. But it was so long ago I fear that any place I might suggest will be long gone! I look forward to your posts about your trip!

  5. we're heading to Santa Fe Sep 30 to visit my son and family. There is so much to see just in that city-a ton of museums and just walking around the old town. Don't miss Jackaloupe a fun southwestern store. I always buy something there. Have fun!

  6. My take on old town Santa Fe was that it was much too touristy. Too many shops. Of course, I'm not a shopper.

  7. Too wonderful!!! That's my son's stomping grounds right now. They live in Albuquerque and have lived in Santa Fe. We've spent lots of time in all those places. You might enjoy Bandelier National Monument.

    You're going to have so much fun!

  8. Gosh Linda I wrote two long comments with suggestions and they aren't up yet (or at all).
    At the top of my list is the Georgia O'Keefe Museum (and cafe). But I gave you lots of restaurant suggestions and routes etc. If you do not have those previous comments let me know and I'll try to put them up again, or you could give me a call (206-465-6149 cp).

  9. While Carlsbad Caverns is interesting I think you are making the right choice. There is a lot to see and Santa Fe and Taos aren't to be missed.

  10. Albu.

    Santa Fe.


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