The Purdey Garden is more that "purdy", it's knock out beautiful. You see that as soon as you drive up to this modest rambler on a small city lot. The color just jumps out at you.
So many great color combinations, and so many wonderfully filled pots.
And that was just the front yard! We worked our way around the side of the house to the terrace in the back.
For our monthly garden club gathering the group decided to participate in visiting some of the Open Gardens that are part of the Northwest Perennial Alliance, with which our small group is aligned. Since many of the Open Gardens this weekend were near us, here at The Reeder Garden, we offered to open our garden just for our club, start here, and then go on to other gardens.
Once they had seen our garden they settled in on the patio to visit. I finally had to "kick them out" by reminding them that there were other gardens to see. :-)
The Armstrong/Olsen Garden surrounds a new build modern house, accessible and sustainable. The garden is six years old.
Then after visiting with the gardeners we were off to the McWilliams/Gorz garden.
This front garden has been recently redone, removing all of the lawn.
Around back decking surrounds a dry "pond".
A peek-a-boo "window" through the hedge gives a glimpse of the sound.
Tom gets comfortable while talking to one of our group members.
While we had been to both of the previous gardens before, the third gardeb, the Courquin garden, was a surprise.
Spread out over more than an acre, and lived in for 40 years, it has surprises around every corner.
For me this garden blended the best of combining city living and country living.
From the "farm" we go for a walk in the woods.
There was one more garden that we visited but I took so many photos there that it will have to be a separate post.
------------------------------------------------------------- PS - Lisa wanted to know what heucheras I bought at West Seattle Nursery on Sunday. Here they are.
Sorry. Blogger insists on showing these upside down. :-/
I planted them in the front yard where new shrubs will take a while to fill in.