Thursday, September 9, 2021

Sunshiny Faces


As I recall, the song goes "We are all in our places with sunshiny faces". 

Tom and I are mostly in our place, here at home, and the sun is shining, but it is not always easy to be happy enough to have a big sunshiny smile. 

COVID rages, striking those who refuse vaccination and those innocents who are not yet eligible for the shots. Hospitals and medical staff are breaking down from overwork. That it is so unnecessary makes me angry, and I have to work at not speaking and acting out of contempt. 

Voting rights and women's health rights are being attacked relentlessly by people who are only concerned about their own power. Again it makes my blood boil and I work to find ways to simmer down. 

Going for a long walk used to be my best therapy, but now that is a somewhat painful exercise, and my lack of progress in regaining mobility has left me feeling blue. 

But look at the photo up there. Now that's a good blue, and that's a sunny face. 

Yesterday I took my big camera out into the garden to entertain myself. I found flowers, happy flowers. Today you get sunflowers, not always perfect, but happy nonetheless. 

 The chickadees and bees have been happy too. 


  1. I adore your sunflower photos, next spring I want to plant a lot of them in many varieties. One thing to note is that many who are getting the Delta variant are fully vaxed. It is very disappointing that we can still catch Covid even after our vaxes.

  2. Beautiful. And I know the feelings you express. I didn't have a camera but I did go for a walk and and commune with wild flowers (or roadside weeds as some might call them) and trees.

  3. "Blue" is one of those nagging feelings that something just isn't right. You found a good way to get rid of the blues with your flower photos. We seem to be cycling back over territory that we covered and fought over a long time ago.

  4. Beautiful sunflowers! I too know what you mean about being so distressed by the state of the world, and especially our beloved country.

  5. love the sunflowers-my favorite-we have them here too growing wild along the roadways!

  6. I feel your frustration and pain. Don't have my own sunflowers to brighten me a bit so I am happy you shared yours with us. Thank you.

  7. The thing that helps me the most for staying centered is a full night's sleep. On flowers - I like real flowers that probably aren't "perfect". Maybe because I'm not perfect?

  8. I always plant sunflowers and if the rabbits let me, most will bloom.

  9. The sunflowers are gorgeous. And my thoughts echo yours - the world is in a struggle of we versus me.

  10. I am having difficulty restraining my anger and contempt as well. I feel awful for those who need care and aren't getting it and for the maxed out health care workers. I'm still happy to be vaccinated since it lowers my risk of severe Covid, but I don't want to catch it at all! I've hunkered down again which I thought I wouldn't be doing any more. (back in June)

  11. Oh I enjoyed seeing your sunflowers! Yes Covid is back cannot fix stupid...and not getting the vaccination is stupid and reckless. It is so sad...we will have to be hermits again this winter.

  12. I share your frustration with my limited mobility. I'm three weeks past my hip replacement surgery and boy, do I wish I could get stuff done and walk around without pain. I'm told this will pass, but right now I want to throw something through the window!

  13. Your sunshiny sunflower made me smile and I did need a smile. I'm so tired of these people who will not help to end this pandemic.


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