Friday, August 5, 2022

On Top of things

 We just finished up a great summer supper. Dinner was recreation for us this evening, a joint affair between the two of us.

Shrimp with bacon, cilantro, and lime juice; corn with cilantro and olive oil;  zucchini with fresh basil and olive oil, all cooked on the grill, and fresh fruit. It was a team effort, which we have mastered by now, and it was delicious.

With cooler weather this week we got a lot done in the yard. Roses have been deadheaded, poppies and Lady's Mantle and columbine have been dead headed or cut back. Other spent perennials have been cut back. All the spring/early summer flowers are gone and the heat browned out a lot, including the lawn, but we try to keep it all tidy.

Tom got the old canes in the raspberries cut out and the new canes tied up.

Heading into the dog days of August, there will be less to do, but Tom will be kept busy watering.  We try to stay on top of it all. 

Jill and Irene were on top of things again this week. On Tuesday they did a scramble with the Mountaineers, Irene as participant and Jill as leader. This is Red Mountain, near Snoqualmie Pass. The hike is 6.5 miles round trip, 2840 ft gain, with  1000ft steep rock scramble. 

Jill reports that Irene "rocked it!"

This is SeaFair weekend in Seattle. I was talking to my sister Laurie on the phone outside this afternoon and I had to have her stop and wait for a minute so I could hear because the Blue Angels were doing a practice show over Lake Washington and on some of their turns they were roaring overhead. Noisy, and a sound of summer in Seattle. 

Taken today in Seattle, from the Internet. 
Those Navy pilots are on top of things for sure.

Just to show that we do have some flowers left in August: 
Lilies: Casablanca and Stargazer 
Hardy fuchsias 
Butterfly bush (Buddleia)


I hope you are all finding time to enjoy the lazy, hazy, daze of summer. I intend to. 


  1. You and Tom make a great team. That looks absolutely scrumptious and healthy too! Irene is definitely a chip off the ol' block. Wow! They are really high up!

  2. I wish I could hike as far and fast as I once did, but those days are behind me. Now when I climb a thousand feet I am happy. Jill and Irene make a great team, all right. And I love your late summer flowers! :-)

  3. You had me at bacon:) Love that Jill and Irene are so committed to the sport and it bonds them together.
    You have lost of color left.

  4. The best of summer is over. Now we start a steady cleanup. Scrambling? Yes I remember lots of scrambling. I also remember running down the scree slopes.

  5. Way to go Irene! She did rock it for sure! Jill must be a really good instructor! Your food is all fancy! We are too simple and I am way too fussy to have those kind of mixtures on the same plate. We are having our first sweet corn tonight but just with butter....if I fed him zucchini there would be big complaints!!

  6. Lovely late summer flowers. Youngest son came to help me again this morning. He cut down many clumps of spent flowers. It sure was good to have a few cool days but it looks like it's going to be a warm week again.

  7. summer meals are just the best, aren't they!


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