Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Checking In

When I woke up early I wasn't happy about it until I remembered that Jill and Irene were probably back down off that mountain and could be sending me a message! 

I grabbed my phone, docked on my bedside table, and YES!, there were these photos,

The first one is on the summit of Kilimanjaro, which they reached July 18th, and the second one is the same day 9000 ft lower, at base camp. 

Jill reports that they had a great time and that Irene was a "rock star". Now they are hopefully sleeping, having been driven some miles through scenery that is "very African", reached their hotel, and had a much needed shower. Next they set off on their safari. 

Jill has posted lots of photos on Facebook and I have spent a good chunk of my morning looking over them again and again, and enjoying the comments left by friends and family.

Jake also checked in this morning with a brief text reporting that he is in Kettle Falls, WA, having spent yesterday hiking up the Kettle Crest Trail, and "having fun".

These are all good things for a mother to hear. 

I completed another trip around the sun on Monday and had a quiet birthday. I missed my kids. I did the laundry but refused to do any housework, so Tom did what got done. We went to Red Robin for dinner so I could claim my free birthday burger, and then we stopped at a nearby Starbucks to get my free coffee drink. The nice young man at the counter gave us both drinks free, mine and Tom's, and two little Vanilla scones too. We enjoyed our "mocha frap iced coffee with whip and caramel drizzle", dessert in a cup, back home on the patio before going for our evening walk in the park. 

Yesterday I spent a lot of time peeling crumby little apples from our early apple tree so I could make the best apple pie there is, with early green transparent apples. Our espaliered apple trees are struggling to produce now that they are so shaded by large trees, but the pie? Delicious!

While I was baking, the crew we hired to prune the holly hedge finally was able to fit us in after several failed attempts, and we are very pleaded with the results.

The top of the hedge has never been so straight! This kind of work is expensive, but so worth it not to have to do it ourselves. 

I have declared that I need another dinner out today so I have invited grandson Isaac to join us if he can. We'll see. He has a girlfriend that seems to be getting most of his attention. He's the one "kid" that still needs to check in.  


  1. Truly, your children and offspring are your joy, as well as your wonderful garden.

  2. I can feel how much you missed having the kids and grandkids there for your birthday. It does seem the way things go, but the closeness you have really is special and worth treasuring.

  3. You've certainly raised some independent and adventurous children. I'm sure they'll be ready to spend some time with you and Tom when their trips are finished.

  4. Well, happy birthday! 80 ain't bad is it? Keep on celebrating.

  5. Happy birthday! You're a year younger than I. :-) Your kids are amazing. That holly hedge is a work of art.

  6. Congratulations to Irene and Jill!
    And I can see that you had a Happy Birthday with Tom even if I understand you miss your children on that day.
    All the free food you had looks very good especially the coffee! We don’t have free food for our Birthday here…I would love to 😆

  7. How great to know that Jill and Irene managed to reach the top. Now on to more adventures.
    Your hedge looks very well shaped ( if that;s the word for it)
    I hope your birthday was a good day; it sounds like it was.

  8. It sounds like it was a wonderful quiet birthday. And to see your loved ones safe and sound after that adventure is great! Thanks for sharing those pictures with me, friend.

  9. Happy birthday, Linda! Aloha from Hawaii.

  10. Yeah for Jill and Irene!! They are making memories! Your hedge looks great, I know they are such a big job to keep looking nice. We had one at our house in North Dakota on the property line and the neighbor and I took turns ...That was the first and last hedge I wanted to have:)

  11. Art and our son climbed Kilimajaro in 2002. Art is very impressed that Irene and Jill took that climb. He said it is very challenging.


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