Sunday, July 2, 2023

It's July

 We have been back home for a few days and are settling into a summer day routine. 

The weather has been wonderful, cool mornings and warm afternoons, cooling down again at night. It sounds like maybe the 4th of July will heat up into the mid 80's but lots of folks around here will love that. I will seek shade.

I continue to take pleasure in our garden, and am spending more time on the patio. I had lunch there yesterday and might again today, 

Friday we had breakfast with a friend. One of our group is still testing positive for COVID, and our 95 year old friend is still on her trip to New York State where she traveled with her son to see family and attend a great grandchild's HS graduation. We look forward to her stories. 

Saturday morning I worked in the yard for a while, dead heading roses, staking up lilies, and deadheading Welsh poppies. 

Welsh poppies will shut down soon, but they do bloom longer if I get the seed heads cut off.

I couldn't deadhead this rose. Too tall. I'll get Tom to help me. 

Today Tom is working in the garden,
 digging tulip bulbs and bagging them up to plant in the Whidbey garden.

I'm not working at all. I did finish my morning session of PT and did a half hour on the stationary bike, where I could read my newest book.  I have read all of Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache novels, set in Three Pines, an invented town in Quebec. Now I am reading her latest, #18, A World of Curiosities. I think it's going to be rather dark.

And I did walk around the garden and find what's newly blooming.

The first Dahlia and Zinnia.

The first day lilies
Hydrangea and clematis.

Wow, it's way past lunch time already. See you later.


  1. Enjoy your beautiful garden! I also enjoyed all of Louise Penny's books too.

  2. Your gardens are beautiful. We have a screened porch on the back of our house and we enjoy eating out there when the weather permits.

  3. Surprising how much stuff has to be done on a daily basis. I don't have very many plants but I spend a lot of time dead heading.

  4. My Welsh Poppies desperately need dead -heading. That will be one of tomorrow's chores. Along with watering ( an endless chore).
    Between the two of you your yard is looking as spruce as ever.

  5. I love to visit your beautiful garden. I did absolutely nothing yesterday except binge watch a ten-episode sci-fi story on AppleTV.

  6. I do so enjoy seeing the photos of your gardens. The colors are lovely! I picked up zinnia this year and I'm thrilled with how they are doing. I thought I had only orange and yellow, but I've discovered there was a pink one in there too. So pretty!

  7. With a garden like yours, I would be eating outdoors too. Beautiful!


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