Monday, August 21, 2023

Sometimes Joy Is Hard To find

 It's Monday. Laundry and house cleaning day. We took care of that this morning. I do the laundry, Tom does most of the housework. He's a very good guy.

Then early this afternoon he drove me to the dentist's office to get a root canal. Not fun, but done in less than an hour. Got home and got the laundry folded and ready to put away. 

Now I've had time to read blogs and plan a post of my own. Dinner will be delayed until the Novocain wears off and then we'll see. Probably omelets. 

The smoke is slowly clearing now but yesterday was very smoky. Hurricane/tropical storm Hilary in Mexico and California caused winds here to shift to the west from smoky eastern Washington, where wild fires are burning out of control. It occurred  to me that we really shouldn't be complaining as much as we locals have been about a few days of smoke, when we are not dealing with the actual wild fires burning up our homes or the hurricane floods washing them away. 

We have  flowers to pick. Joy!

Saturday I worked in the garden for a couple of hours, since the weather finally cooled down. I cleaned out this bed. Tom got the lawn mowed. 

Then I had to take it easy for the next day. That steroid injection I got a while back has had time to work and the verdict is that it didn't work very well. Sacroiliitis is still there. Then because I stressed it, my other hip, the more recent surgical hip, is mad at me too. Not bad, but irritated. 

The yard is looking more cleaned up now and Tom has been keeping it watered. The lawn is looking parched in places, but everything is alive. Our water bill proves his efforts. Yikes!

Yesterday we placed our annual tulip order with the bulb growers in Skagit Valley. We went for bright this year: red, yellow, and orange, and a few very fancy ones. They will arrive in October, time for planting, and then I'll wonder why I ordered so many. Planting is work. But blooming is the joy. 

The Seahawks played a preseason game here in Seattle on Saturday night. The stadium was packed and the Hawks gave the crowd their money's worth of entertainment, beating Dallas. 
Sunday evening the Sounders played Atlanta in the smoke, and got smoked. Winning is more fun. Tom and Jill were there. 

I watched on TV. I don't get around so much anymore. But I still "Canna" so some stuff. 

Lookin' for the JOY. 


  1. Keep in touch with your doc: it took 3 times for some shots to work on my tailbone, then I didn't have any problem for 5-6 years. Beautiful flowers! Linda in Kansas

  2. A root canal - yikes! But you seem to have handled it well. Your garden and flowers are beautiful... hope you are on the mend from all your ills soon. I always try to remember the saying, "Beyond the gloom of this world lies joy... take joy!"

  3. I love your zinnia and dahlia bouquets, I imagine they bring you joy to look at. Such an array of colors. That will be fun to receive your tulip order. So many disasters, Maui, eastern Washington, western Canada, tropical storm Hilary. Each quiet day at my house is a treasure.

  4. The various aches and pains that come with aging are no fun at all.
    As usual I admire your pretty bouquets. GM

  5. I wake up and notice what hurts today, but we really need to keep on moving for as long as we can. Your flowers are beautiful!

  6. Beautiful bouquets. Causes for joy are around us if we just take a moment to look. I do hope spots of joy throughout your days help with all the aches and pains if only for those mindful moments.

  7. Lots of heat and fires in Europe too. We are lucky in Normandy to be in the north and I am glad to go on holidays in Brittany we will have a cool weather . I am sorry you are having health problems and pain, I know it difficult not to be able to do what we want. I am painting and decorating to help with the pain, like you with your gardening. Your bouquet is very nice and colourful! Glad you ordered your bulbs for spring. I ordered 150 they will arrive in October too.

  8. The various bouquets from your garden are absolutely lovely. I do hope you are able to get some relief from the pain soon.

  9. I am at a point in my life that I must do things that will keep me healthy such as exercise, good diet and good habits - which I have been putting off. Your struggles and joyous family and garden are inspiring to me. Mahalo!

  10. Yeah, seek Joy and you will find it. Hooray!

  11. I see Tom is without glasses! It is really hard when you hurt all the time to find joy! Keep smiling!

  12. Your flowers are stunning. I wish I could grow
    tulips here. But it's to hot and they don't do well.
    I love the variety and bright colors.
    I'm sorry your hurting so much.
    I have chronic pain so I understand
    how you feel. All we can do is what we are able
    abit at a time.

  13. I get it! Two and a half months after my knee replacement, it's recovering fine, but my back is acting up. I remind myself that I'd rather have physical discomfort and be in my right mind than the other way around.


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