Thursday, July 17, 2008

Skywatch Friday - Dragonfly Sky

We've had many days of blue skies, unusual for Seattle. All the creatures are happy, especially the humans! (Photo taken Tuesday in my garden)


  1. How clever of you to take a photo of a dragonfly - I don't think I've ever seen one not in motion.

  2. Wow! What an amazing capture of the dragonfly. Good going, Linda! I must not be very quiet. I still haven't even taken a photo of a mynah bird and they're all around, for goodness sake.

  3. That's a beautiful capture. Nice details!

  4. I love the angle on this creature! Beautiful.

  5. That is a fantastic shot! I am absolutely mad for dragonflies!

  6. Hello from Colorado. What a wonderful picture.

  7. fun photo i never think of taking closeups of insects guess cause its too hot to be outside much this time of year. would love to get a lizard or something like that. maybe i'll try. i know what you mean about blue sky in seattle-it's the opposite here if it clouds up and rains we celebrate...

  8. Clever angle on that dragon fly. I've always thought of them as mini-helicopters.

  9. Great shot! Very creative and beautiful!

  10. Okay... it's a great shot! It looked just a tad scary to me initially... but when I realized what you'd captured, I was mightely impressed!

    Awesome, indeed!

  11. I have to agree with you Caryn, I think it's kind of creepy looking, too. It looks like a huge monster looming overhead.
    It landed on the top of the wire bean trellis and was quite happy to sit there as I got closer and closer and zoomed in on it. When I saw this pic, it was startling.

  12. I like your dragonfly sky, and have been looking back through your posts and see a lot of pictures that I like.

  13. Those bugs are not my favorite, but on a picture they're amazing.
    I like your sense of humor, yes, we're creatures too, and we need sun, as well!
    Thanks to fly in my direction. Have a great week end. From France.

  14. I love dragonflies..good catch Linda..

  15. Wow what an amazing shot. Your closeness and angle make it look like a giant flying creature. Just joined the group and it's very impressive what a variety of wonderful shots everyone captures.

  16. I get excited when I see dragonflies. I try to point them out to my six year old daughter. I loved one of the Pooh stories that includes a dragonfly.

  17. Great picture!! My only ? is:
    Do dragonflies bite or sting?

  18. Great photo of the dragonfly and the sky, yes you have definitely been lucky to have some beautiful clear skies

  19. Great shot of the dragonfly! I also like your Paradise post - that is a beautiful area. Thanks for visiting my Sky Watch.

  20. Hi Linda
    Thanks for being here again..:O)

    I love shots like this making it on to Sky Watch, I have no luck what so ever with taking pictures of Dragonfly.. always take off as I get near no matter how quiet or slow I move... ha!.

    Catch up again soon


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