Monday, April 26, 2010

Too Many Photos

I encountered a problem when I was publishing my garden photos to Blogger. I received a message saying that I had exceeded photo upload quota. The result was that I could no longer post photos. At first I thought I could just delete some and post others on my first garden post, being more selective. But no, I deleted but still exceeded. I thought it meant I just had too many photos on one post. That made sense. So I just posted what I had uploaded. But then the next day I couldn't post any at all, so I went to Help to investigate. Sure enough, Picasa has a limit for blog photo storage and I had reached it. Now what to do? I researched further and found others with the same problem. The answer was to delete albums from Picasa storage to make room. Or there was something about buying more storage. I contemplated the options, and thought, well if I've already published the photos, they should stay on my blog even if I delete the storage. So I deleted 500 photos. Surprise! I then checked back in my archive and found, sure enough, the old posts no longer had photos. Just an empty frame and a box with an X. So then I had to do some deep thinking. Was I planning on having my blog be a sort of permanent record? Or was I OK with just posting year by year and letting the old postings go? Was I more interested in the present or the past? I still haven't quite reconciled it. I do have all the the photos stored on my hard drive or on cds. I could go back and restore the photos, but it would be a lot of work. I could buy more storage, maybe. There was something about different kinds of accounts, and if I only had an application account, which I think is the case, I couldn't buy more storage. I could just stop posting photos. Naw, that's not an option. What do you think? I just checked into buying storage and can get all I need for $5.00 per year. So next time I exceed, I guess I'll do that?????


  1. Wow! That's good to know. You can always opt to print out a book of former posts and then delete the pictures.

  2. Buy more storage. We need to see all your pictures. I'll contribute to the fund if need be. Computers can be very hard headed at times.

  3. I bought more storage. It's an interesting selling technique-FREE until you're hooked then you have to pay. You can make blogs into books with their photos which is nice but I've found no one looks at my scrapbooks but they do see my blogs more.

  4. Whatever works Linda. Your photos are a vital part of your blogs sometimes. It wouldn't be quite the same without them. - Dave

  5. Pay the $5 and keep the photos flowing!

  6. I KNEW there had to be a limit to the Picasa album storage. I read up on it, but not having reached it, I'm not yet worried. I will gladly pay the $5 or whatever they want to have my pictures up there. I pay Flickr $25 a year for the same privilege, and I will continue to use both systems. Thanks for the information.

  7. I'm wondering what the limit actually is. I think the five dollars a year sounds pretty good. AND I'm glad not posting photos is not an option for you!

  8. I would hate to miss your beautiful shots of your garden and the northwest and as for my own, I find it to be a good way of journaling even if no one reads it but me.
    I had already decided that I will pay for more storage when the time comes, glad to know it is so reasonable.

  9. Wow, all those $5 will add up over the years! On my Wordpress blog, I have 2.8GB (out of 3GB) remaining for images, or 92.0%. So, I still have a ways to go. I have no idea how much I will be charged once that is used up. But I don't post as many pics as you do.

    Too bad you deleted your previous photos. Now, we can't scroll back to look.

  10. Oh I am so pleased that you opted to continue to post photos! I had no idea about the storage issue, will definitely pay $5 to store mine if need be.

  11. I love the photos and your blog...I say pay the $5....I was expecting when reading your post for a big yearly fee...Brigid

  12. Me, too! I love all your photos! I was wondering about the limit for Blogger. I've been reducing my photos before I post them. I'm hoping I can go a good while more before I run out of space.

    I haven't been storing my photos on Flickr or Picassa. I've been just reducing from my file and posting directly.

  13. Sorry about that. I just checked about the photo limit and discovered that I had used 54% of my allotted 1,024 MB storage and that it was stored in Picassa. I didn't know that. I am so clueless. However, I think it's made a big difference that I reduce the sizes of my photos so I don't use too much of my memory. I hope it's really true that I've used only 54% of my free storage. That means I've got another couple years before I have to think about the storage problem. I hope.

  14. This happenned to me once. Not from picasa. But in the early days of blogging when photos couldn't be uploaded directly from my computer but had to be a URL.

    My pics were wiped out. Some I had lost from iPhoto crash.
    But I let it go. Moved on. That was my Cloudhidden blog that I had for 5 years. It was never an attempt to connect. Just to write and store history.

    I hope you get it worked out to your satisfaction though.
    I think you'd love iPad though Linda. Touch screen is the new technology. It's totally cool. IPhoto is amazing and easy. Applications are fun and easy. It's the newest most innovative technology. And you don't need places like Flicker etc. I'm sure you've taken the tour though. You're kids probably have iPhone. Maybe?
    If not, beat them to the draw!! ;-)

    I'm always selling Apple. It's the best. Hands down!!


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