Sunday, December 1, 2019


Besides spending hours on the new computer set up, many frustrating, some successful, we did get our three wreaths completed by Saturday morning.

Here's mine, the prototype.

I did go easy on the embellishments, just adding a few silver sprigs, and a recycled bow from last year.
 It is now hanging by the front door along with greens stuffed in the planters.
Jill asked for lots of color and texture in the greenery and red berries. Greens we had, but I had to use artificial berries.
 Here's a close up. Everything is from our yard except those bits of blue juniper berries and that juniper with the gold pollen buds. 

 Jake said he wanted an all natural wreath. I said that's what I made for him last year. He said, no, it had that big bow on it. Now I happen to like bows.
 But I did this instead, sort of a green bow.

Here's what's left of my greens, enough to make arrangements for inside the house.
 The purchased greens.
And there's plenty more where these came from.
As the song says, "Christmas in the Northwest is a gift God wrapped in green." (link to the song )


  1. I love all three wreaths but like yours the most! I went looking for some spikes with red berries much like the ones you used on Jill's wreath. I found mine at the Dollar store.

  2. wish i lived closer, will have to get my greens from home depot or else use!

  3. Those are the most beautiful wreaths! Wonder if I could make one. I would have to use Eastern Red Cedar, and would hardly know where to begin. Your header picture is beautiful too. You and Tom make every holiday special.

  4. I see you put one in your header as well. I like Jill's the best, but they are all so pretty! :-)

  5. So many of the trees and shrubs get their haircut at this time of year so that some awesome wreaths can be made.

  6. You could start a business. Loved them all but am really partial to red so Jill's was my favorite.

  7. I like them all. I like bows too. I didn't do bows last year and this year I am getting the urge to put a bow on almost everything. I wish I had all of your greenery. I could use some to decorate with. I have to settle for fake.

  8. Beautiful! I prefer the ones with the bows too, though the natural one is quite lovely.


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