Sunday, March 1, 2020

The NWFGF, Part 3: More Display Gardens

The large display floor of the convention center can hold a lot, as is evidenced by the many display gardens at the flower and garden show. Here are most  of the rest of the show. 

 Northwest Orchid Society: Orchids are so photogenic. 

Tom is studying a RED! Edgeworthia. 

 I liked all of the rusty industrial "junk" in this display. The rugged look compliments the twisted trees. 

 This was our third favorite garden, because of the use of plants, plant color, and stone. 

 That U shaped planter is the piece removed from the standing stone. 
 Trough gardens are a thing now. These are done well. 

 We really liked this garden as well. It has a great usage of plants,  including unusual conifers. 

That wraps up the display gardens, but that is only one part of the show. Stand by for Part 4. 


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Gardeners are a very creative group." Their canvas is a garden and many things are used for paints.

  2. The creativity and work that goes into developing these displays is amazing. What a wonderful place to visit.

  3. Wow all that green, looks heavenly. We are waiting for a few ornamental fruit trees to blossom then the tulips and daffodils...

  4. There seems to be no repetition. Each is so individualistic. They are true artists. Loved that stone with the U carded out of it..

  5. So wonderful to see all these great display gardens. I especially like the orchids. What beauties! :-)

  6. I too thought the rusty and unusual bases that held some of the bonsai plants were great additions to the display of the bonsai. I just love seeing all the color of the blooming plants. Fun. I can hardly wait until there is more color in my garden.

  7. I have never seen so many unusual and beautiful things. You know, I love hats and have always wanted to wear one but don't have the nerve. My oldest daughter wears hats and looks beautiful in them. Your header picture is so pretty.


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