Monday, August 15, 2011

They're Here!

Isaac and Irene arrived at Sea-Tac airport about 3:30 this afternoon.  They were so excited to tell me all about their trip.  They saw downtown Denver and downtown Seattle - the Space Needle, the stadiums, even the  end-of-runway guides that they have driven under on many occasions.  Somehow this trip was just so special to them, on their own without parents.  Irene declared it "the best trip ever".  

Of course, all of us adults are happy that it went so well. and that the airline took good care of them.

I had been getting some text updates from the U-Haul truckers, Jill and Tom, so I knew when they crossed into Washington State, when they were at Snoqualmie Pass, and on the Lake Washington floating bridge.  I knew they would make it home for dinner.

Sure enough about 5:15 they were at the door, and this was parked out at the street.
After dinner Jill and Tom got the car trailer parked next door (Thanks, Maxine), the car in the driveway, and the truck backed in too.  We unloaded some of the food stuff that had been stuffed at the back of the truck, (remember, the packing was done in two days) and got the electronics out of the car.  

Now the kids are in bed, Jill is getting her room set up, and Tom and I are back to doing what we do, for now anyway.

Big changes took place today.  It will take a while for it all to settle. For now, so far, so good.


  1. So glad the children, your daughter, and your husband all arrived safely. That must be a big relief. Now on to the next step in this exciting life-change.

  2. I am surprised it took so little time to drive from Colorado to Washington. Welcome home, folks!

  3. wow that was fast-amazing how quickly your life can change-enjoy your family!

  4. We took three days when we drove the distance from Boulder, Colorado to Bellingham, Washington. We arrived with a U-Haul just like that one, too.

    How quickly the whole drama has unfolded! And how wonderful to have those two grands around all the time now. I am so happy for all of you...

  5. I can only imagine all the activity and emotions that must be filling your house right now. Tom and Jill must be exhausted after packing and driving. Now, the fun begins as everyone starts out on new adventures.

  6. I do believe Jill will tackle anything! I'm glad the kids had such a good time on the plane. Things are going to be moving super fast for the next few weeks. By the time they're settled in it will be holiday season. No rest in sight.

  7. I can't believe how quickly Jill and her husband have been getting everything done for this move! It took us months to get organized! Wow! Jill must be a chip off the ol' block. I'm so excited for you all! It's still making my head spin.


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