Thursday, August 9, 2018


I went out to check the mail at 4:00, because I had cabin fever. I knew it was hot because I checked the weather station.
We have air conditioning that is effective downstairs when the temp rises to 75, which isn't often. Upstairs, however, it heats up, so we use box fans at night to cool it off for sleeping. Fortunately our natural PNW air conditioning lowers the temps at night. 

When I went out the patio door, Charlie was there, looking for food, so I gave him his dinner.  Charlie does have a home, but I don't know which of the neighbors he belongs to. I just know he likes to hang out here with us, and since he was so skinny, I decided to feed him too. He is a young cat, just growing into his size. He loves head rubs.

There was no mail in the mailbox - too hot for that too?

I decided to walk a bit in the yard, staying  mostly in the shade.

The tomatoes like the heat.
 Roses too. They are putting on a second blooming.
 The green-on-green parts of the yard, mostly in shade, are refreshing. 
With smoke from California fires in the air, the afternoon sun turns everything yellow. 
 The vegetable/cut flower garden is baking, and withering in the late day sun.
 My pretty lilies got fried fast.

 The shade is a bit more hospitable. 
 Most of the yard is on drip and sprinkler systems, but hot spots can't keep up.
 It's been quite a few days since I ventured down the path to the deck, so I braved it. You need a spider stick to clear the way now. Baby spiders are everywhere. 
 Charlie came with me.

 Back on the patio I found Tom carrying water to the few pots we don't have hooked up to a system. 

It's hot, and we are tired of it, but we are comfortable inside, we aren't threatened by wild fire, hurricanes or tornadoes, and we aren't living on the streets like so many are here, so I am counting my blessings, if a bit cantankerously.  


  1. It's very hot here too. What saves us is that the night low goes down to 10 C (50 F).

  2. I do believe you have yourself a cat. Same thing happened to Rodger. He and the visiting cat’s owner worked together to get the cat to stay at home and not go visiting but nothing worked. Finally the cat’s owners moved and stopped by to tell Rodger the cat.was his, they weren’t going to try moving him. Cat’s do have a mind of their own. I believe Charlie has chosen you.

  3. Everything looks beautiful, especially those tomatoes! I think Charlie has a new home - at least he seems to think so! He looks like a very sweet cat.

  4. it's the dog days of summer and everyone is tired of the heat and smoke in the air everywhere...

  5. Charlie makes a good animated yard ornament and companion. A handsome fellow. As far as I am concerned when the temps get above 85 you can become cantankerous and I would not be offended, especially when the heat creeps up into the 90's ugh...

  6. I don't do well in the heat. And it was hot on our hike yesterday, but it could have been worse, as you point out. I had a nice home to come back to, with a dear husband who was trying to stay cool in our un-air-conditioned home. Fans had to do. I'm tired of all this heat!! Charlie is a cutie, BTW. :-)

  7. Think Charlie has made it clear. He has adopted you. The old saying,"you feed a cat, he is yours." You obviously are a better choice since he fattened up under your care. Enjoy your new pet.

  8. So, will Charlie get to come indoors when it's wet and cold outside? He sure is a sweet kitty and a good garden helper. Call me crazy (most people do) but I'm loving the heat even though it means spending a lot of time keeping all of the pots hand watered. Dragging the hose around is a chore but a pleasant one when it's done in the cool of the morning. It sure has been a good year for tomatoes. Leave it to me to not grow any this year. Fortunately, there are several great produce stands and farmers markets nearby!

  9. I'm not a heat lover, and have a similar situation with ac in our house, as well as the cabin fever. Our neighbor has two cats that often sleep on our back porch, especially lately since their grandson has moved back in with them along with his big black aggressive dog. I started leaving water out for them because they run over to me to drink from the hose every time I water. Charlie looks like a sweetheart.

  10. What a lovely patio setting! Inspiring for me. Love your borrowed cat - or maybe you are his borrowed person. Life is good.

  11. Your gardens are lovely! I hope you are far from the fires and stay safe.

  12. Your yard is always beautiful, but it is awful to see the vegetable plants and flowers baking in the hot sun. That must be unusually hot temperatures for Seattle. We have had about three weeks of very hot humid weather with rain most days. The tomatoes are rotting on the vine. Yes, we'll take this hot humid weather over the fires in CA. I feel so sorry for them.

  13. Your last paragraph sums it up for me, especially the cantankerous part. This itchy arm of mine is ever so slowly getting back to regular size but the itch continues. ( I know you understand all about THAT).

  14. Hope most of your flowers survive the heat and you too! Charlie is pretty cute I would be tempted to put a kerchief around his neck with a note to his owners:)

  15. Your gardens are doing really well in the heat wave! I don't have automatic watering anywhere, so I spend hours each day trying to water everything. We did get a few minutes of rain on Saturday, but it barely got the plants I've been diligently watering hydrated. If I forget the greenhouse one day, my tomatoes will fry, but I should have amazing tomatoes in a few days if I keep up with the water. I'm also a native here in the Pacific NW, and am ready for some cooler weather.


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