Thursday, August 30, 2018

Art In the Garden at the BBG: The Garden

While the art show was a main attraction, I knew very soon upon arriving that it was the garden that was going to get most of my attention.

The Bellevue Botanical Garden is a treasure that features a Yao Garden, a rhododendron garden, a hardy fuchsia collection, a large natural area, and more. A highlight is the Northwest Perennial Alliance long border. 

I was immediately struck by the plantings near the Visitor Center, resembling the prairie style of Dutch garden designer Piet Oudolf.

 Late summer brings the gold to the grasses. 

 The Gaura danced above and through it all, like the Whirling Butterflies it's common name suggests. 
 Hypericum berries add a flash of bright orange. 
There are going to be a lot of photos in this post, so I will limit my narrative. Just scroll and enjoy. 

 This pink dogwood caught my eye.
 New blooms along with "strawberry" seed heads! So beautiful

And then we were in the border. 

 Seed heads, grasses, and late blooming perennials all add color and texture to the mix. 

  I found the name of a plant that intrigued me, an Origanum. 

 Orange plumes of ginger.

And this wonderfully drapey thing.

 A dahlia display at the sunny end of the border.

 It was very serene in the Yao Garden.
 It won't be long now until the glory of summer is over, but autumn will bring its own beauty.
Just look for it. 


  1. You got some beautiful shots of the garden. I noticed how striking the prairie planting was too. I was there over a month ago, and it was at a point sort of between breaths. And the border was so gorgeous! Isn't the Datisca a cool plant? I was struck by that one too when I was there.

  2. I do love the texture of grasses and the tree covered walkway. Almost prefer foliage to flowers. They last longer.

  3. Good to see grasses are getting more space in modern gardening.

  4. That was an amazing garden. The "drapey thing is very strange; do you know what it it is called?
    Loved the Dahlias and the grasses.

  5. Love them all, but especially I love that drapey thing! Just beautiful! Thank you for the great tour. :-)

  6. The garden really did look spectacular and you captured some gorgeous highlights!

  7. So subtle and beautiful. There really isn't an artist who can quite match Mother Nature.

  8. Gorgeous. Wonderful control of color except for the dahlia section, which does bring happiness with its riot of color. You have a really good eye for composition and color. I enjoyed the garden, mahalo!


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