Monday, June 27, 2011

A Quiet House

We were up this morning at 4:00AM.  I said good bye to Jill and the kids and Tom took them over to the airport for their 6:00 AM flight back to Denver.  We went back to bed and got up again just before 9:00.  By then Jill and the kids were already on the ground and on the way home.

We took our time getting going, but once we did get going, we really got busy.  We worked through mountains of sheets and towels to launder, toys and books to be sorted and stored, bathrooms to clean, and vacuuming and dusting and mopping throughout the house.  By late afternoon we were finished, and too tired to care too much that the house was very quiet.

Still, I miss them.

Then kids are spending the night with their other grandma, and tomorrow they are all going camping for two nights.  Tonight Jill is enjoying the quiet.

We'll now settle back into a sort of routine, as routine as it gets around here. There are yard projects to do, and Tuesday evening we have another soccer match to attend, this time a preliminary to defending the US Open cup.  It will be played at the much smaller Star Fire sports complex.

I was looking forward to spending a bit of time on the patio this afternoon, given the forecast.  But alas, persistent showers dampened that plan.  I guess the recliner will have to do for now, once I get my exercises done, that is.  It's time to get back to that routine too.


  1. Hi Linda,
    We go through the "grandparent camp" thing several times a summer and totally understand all that goes with it. It is so much fun to have them but nice, too, to wake up in the morning to the quiet house, knowing you can eat haphazardly, laze in bed for a few extra minutes, and sit and read for awhile whenever the mood hits.

  2. I understand the mountains of laundry after a visit from the grandchildren. It is always so sad to have the house quiet again after a visit.

  3. My twin granddaughters arrived by train this afternoon. They've grown and matured in the last six months. They'll be 11 next weekend.

    Now that I don't have to keep my eye on them every minute, it's more fun. Also nice that outdoor play is possible while Grandma sits at the picnic table.

    Enjoy your quiet time for now.

  4. Ahhh... I do know the feeling. I'm so glad you had such a glorious time with the family, Linda. I KNOW you did because of your incredible photos of all the smiles. It's great you'll get to see them again soon. Until then, I can see you're itching to do a ton of things.

  5. I can imagine your combined sigh of relief Linda. :-) Dave

  6. Your posts of the time spent with Jill and the grandkids were enjoyable to read, Linda. My house is quiet this morning also, but my youngest grandson and 2 of his friends spent the night and are still asleep downstairs. The quietness may soon change!

  7. My own life is usually very quiet, but I know the feeling very well of having all that bustling activity and how it feels after they are gone. Sort of bittersweet. But you do have so much time to spend with them, and everyone benefits by it. A quiet house has its upside, though.

  8. quiet until the next certainly have fun and see each other quite often despite the distances...

  9. It seems like the past few weeks have been a blur of activity for you. Your grand kids are just adorable and I'll bet you will miss them even as you bask in a bit of quiet time. I have a guest room full of laundry and I've just had a 10 year old for two days.

  10. Now you know what I go through when I babysit Rylan every day. A 16 mo old kid can get into a lot of mischief and I must keep an eye on him at all times.


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