Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Hey, It's Good To Be Back Home Again"

Can you hear John Denver singing? "There's a storm across the valley, clouds are rollin' in." That's how it was in the Willamette Valley today. We arrived back home late this afternoon to a somewhat dry Seattle, ten degrees warmer than when we left Portland, OR. We had a good trip, but as each day got colder and wetter, I finally got tired of coping. I was happy to head home on schedule. No photos today. We did stroll down Third Street in McMinville this morning before the shops were open, and then we spent about an hour and a half at the Lafayette Antique Mall. We found a few more treasures. The rest of the time was spent driving home, with a stop for lunch. Now we'll get caught up here at home for a few days. The temperature has dropped to 39, and the mountains are getting lots of snow. The winter we skipped has hit us in the spring. Looks like the Easter bonnets might get wet.


  1. The weather has been weird, hasn't it???? Glad you had a good trip. I am glad for the 16 years I lived in Oregon -- love almost as much as Seattle! Hope the rest of your week goes well! Enjoy!


  2. Tonight's TV News showed snow in Seattle. Wonder why it hasn't reached you yet.

    Sometimes it's nice to get away from it all. And then, you find you appreciate home more!

  3. There's no place like home...especially when you have been away from it for 2 days or more.

  4. Monday night we had lightning and thunder here in Bellingham. And it's going to be wet and weather-y all weekend long! Glad you made it home all safe and sound.

  5. It's pretty bad when those Easter bonnets need to be wool!
    In the 70s here today -- FINALLY!

  6. And the Easter Bunny might need winter boots as well!

  7. Glad you are home safe and sound...


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