Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Race For the White House

Between the radio this morning and some TV this evening, I have sort of followed the goings on in New Hampshire today.  It got me to wondering.  What in the world would I do if I was a Republican!?

I think they have a problem. :-)


  1. Thank heavens I won't ever have to wonder. I am a proud Democrat, voted that way ever since I was old enough to vote for Kennedy. :-)

  2. I've been thinking the same thing. In 08 it was wild for the Democrats but Clinton & Obama were both very qualified candidates. We did have the Edwards scandal that popped up after the election, or at least after he'd dropped out of the race.

    I haven't paid much attention to the Republicans this time because the candidates are so poorly qualified. It's seemed more like watching a circus than a political race.

    I believe some of the 2010 special elections showed people want conservatives but not THAT conservative. Some of the language I'm hearing is very far to the right. You have to wonder if that's going to fly come November.

  3. I cannot imagine trying to choose between that bunch of clowns. Glad I don't have to.

  4. I hope this isn't a double comment. I lost the first.

    I think they have a big problem, and I hope it doesn't become a problem for the rest of us. I can't imagine Romney winning as president. Horrors.

  5. I guess I am an Independent, who has voted for a Republican governor twice (Linda Lingle) and a Republican president once (George W Bush). But I also voted for Democrats (Kerry and Obama) and will probably vote for Democrats again this year. I don't follow the party line blindly but vote for the individual.

  6. I just heard Mitt gloat about Obama promising to bring the two parties together and how he hasn't been able to do that. Puh-lease.... Is Mitt unaware of what HIS party has been up to in Congress?

  7. There is some really scary talk from scary people out there....what you get when you get your news from FOX...


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