Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Montoure/Sanchez Garden

On Saturday morning we met up with six other members of our garden group to travel to Olympia for two Northwest Perennial Alliance Open Gardens.

These are not commercial gardens, but actual yards around homes that ordinary people live in.  There are a lot of lovely gardens that belong to members of this organization. 

Judy Montoure describes her front garden as a relaxing woodland park.

But the back yard goes tropical!

 As well as appreciating the plants people use in their gardens, I really like studying the "decorations" gardeners use to enhance the garden experience.

This is a beautifully planned, planted and maintained garden, one that we enjoy each of the several times we have visited. It was fun to show it to some of our new club members.

Oh, and add to that list of things you are picturing me doing:  weeding in Jill's yard while I was there to water the grass and take care of the cat, holding the high step ladder while Tom prunes the tall holly hedge.  Always fun times around here!


  1. Beautiful garden.
    You are lucky to have Jill nearby, but perhaps she is even luckier!

  2. It's amazing the beautiful gardens you have there.

  3. I like the blue pots and accents throughout the gardens:)

  4. Just a little jealous now...actually a whole lot jealous.

  5. Beautiful plants and planters.

  6. Tropical is right! Is that a banana tree? Beautiful place, and beautiful pictures as usual, Linda. :-)

  7. So much vibrant color in this garden, another I missed this year.

  8. It's amazing to know ordinary people can create these masterpiece gardens. That includes you and Tom.


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